Thanks to Peg, for covering for me while I wasn't able to. She said some really nice things about me, some true, some exaggerated. But while I did turn blue from lack of oxygen, and had all the doctors on the floor, as well as most free nurses and the Respiration team in my room, I didn't remember a whole lot of the trials I went through. A blessing from how well I respond to the Demerol, and other pain-meds they give me. I only remember about 1o min or so of the whole ordeal, and those times didn't involve anyone but Dr. Joan asking me a few questions about my breathing and if I was having chest pains, to which I would answer and go back to sleep. One of the nurses came to me later and expressed how sorry she was for what pain I had to go through. I really had no idea what she was talking about and made her explain. To which I asked the doctors the following morning to elaborate on what had happened, which they did in more detail than I could understand, to which one of them stated-"it was the worst thing I had seen with the IL2 patients."
Hopefully we can put this to rest, and be glad, it was a turning point. It made me realize that I can take a lot more than I give myself and the Lord credit for, and I am really lucky to have such smart Doctors. They eliminated a couple of medicines from my daily routine and presto chango - I get double or triple the amount of doses they expected even with the major event with the Rigors talking place. The Blood pressure dropping isn't that big of thing, while serious and in the same week as the Rigors it was frustrating and abnormal, but it immediately stops treatment for me and is treatable. Thank Heavens for Educated Doctors and Those who take good notes for them to go back and study. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Merry christmas and Have a lovely Day.
Love Andy. (By the way this was Andy writing this time)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A miss understanding has come to my awareness. Andy did not turn smurf blue, he is not still blue, and he did not turn blue due to any mineral, medication, or treatment at Huntsman. The blue coloring was due to his rapid breathing and low blood pressure after the third dose that was given, it only lasted a short amount of time and is not a serious or continueing condition. Now that is over, an update. Andy (the amazing) has recieved 6 doses of Il2. He is not however going to recieve a 7th. As they were ordering the treatment, Andy's blood pressure dropped. (Please don't read anything into this). He is fine, this is a side affect and is expected. He is actually glad because that means he can come home tomorrow. And everyone here is thrilled at that idea. We have missed him tremendously. No matter how annoying Andy can be, we have missed our large noisy nerd. We are doing well and so is Andy. Thank you for your love and prayers.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hi everyone, this is a topsyturvey day for Andy. Yesterdays third dose was difficult to say the least. The more I find out what transpired the more I realize how amazing Andy is. We blogged how it was ruff and rigors were really intense. I have learned that for 45 mins Andy culvused uncontrolably even with intense meds. He turned an awful shade of blue (which is pretty hard considering the fact that IL2 has the side effect of turning the skin bright lobster red) because his blood pressure dropped very low. The nurses and doctors were more concerned than Andy wanted to admit. During his stay they take labs almost hourly. The shocking thing is his labs came back more postive than negative and so the docs. decided to continue doses. Andy recieve dose number 4 this morning and faired better than expected. With this you would think that they would stop with 4, seeing that they really thought Andy would only be able to recieve 2 or at most 3 doses. Well, they are going for a fifth dose. That's right, 5 doses. Andy's wonderful nurse Mel, texted me that at 7:00 p.m. Andy would get the fifth one under heavy sedation. I am in awe in Andy's willingness to submit to these treatments. We all want to fight for our lives, and to continue here on earth longer. But the horrors of cancer treatments can take the fight out of even the strongest of people. But Andy is the ever optimist, so he is fighting harder. I would love to be at Andy's side this week unfortuneately I have been sick, and so I am not allowed down there. I hope that you know that your prayer are truly heard and felt. Andy has told me constantly that while he is at the darkest of moments he feels the love and prayers of you all. We thank you over and over again for your concern and support. I will blog again tomorrow how things went. Pray for the best, and we love you.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hey, this is Peggy posting on the site. Andy can't get his phone to post on the blog so you are stuck with me relating information. I am not a blogger and honestly this is a first for me. So here it goes. Andy recieved 3 doses so far. His last dose was the worst by far. He had rigors(the shakes) for about 45 min. because the meds would not work. He says his ribs are killing him from the convulsions. Fortunately he does not remember much (thanks to morphine, oxycontine, and demeral). He says other than his ribs he is doing well. We also want to continue thanking everyone who is praying and supporting us through this time. We love you all.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Good news for my kidneys
We just met with the cancer Dr. today. He says my numbers are going down, and we will still have treatment starting Sunday. We will also be adjusting medication to try and give my kidneys a break through this series. While we will probably only get 2-3 doses, he is confident that, the one to two doses will be adequate to maintain the progress that we have seen so far with my treatments. So it looks like I will be back in the hospital on Sunday and starting dosing on Monday. We hope that my kidney numbers stay at a manageable level. So bring on the pain and misery!!! If I didn't have a long term perspective on this, it would be really hard to put myself through all of this discomfort and for lack of a better word, crap. But with the high possibilities of this working and my cancer going away for several years, it is worth it. Especially if it gives me enough time for them to come up with a more responsive treatment. I know I say this a lot, but I really mean it, thanks for the prayers and thoughts offered in our behalf. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you as well, and we hope your days are a little brighter, and your burdens a little lighter. Keep smiling, Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy
Love Andy
Monday, April 19, 2010
Real Kidney update
I just met with the specialist today. He said that while my numbers were high, they were not alarming. Based on what I have been through, my kidneys have sustained an "injury." We won't know for sure how long it will take to get better or if they will get better until I am done with the IL2 treatment. So it looks like there is a potential of having to wait until July or August, and possibly longer, to see what my kidneys are going to do. So while this isn't the greatest news, he didn't think that there is a reason that would stop me from resuming treatment this Sunday. So woo hoo, that was good news for us! Also, I am feeling a lot better and will try to resume my normal schedule tomorrow, so I should be able to return to work for a while. Woo Hoo for that too. Anyway, thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts. I almost forgot, Shaeli played guitar in church and her and I sang it was really neat to do that with her. Seeing her use her talents and sharing them with others. Ok gotta run, Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Update on the kidneys
I got my labs back and talked with the doctor. There definitely is a problem but not something that I need to stress over just be concerned about. Believe it or not there is a difference. I am waiting to hear from a specialist that I will be meeting with on Monday. I have to go back to the Huntsman Clinic to see them. So I hope that it all works out by then. Wouldn't that be great if I get down there Monday and they say, "All your labs look normal, go home." That would be so awesome. If not, I am not sure the path that will need to be taken. That will be discussed on Monday and I will update you more then, unless tomorrow I get a lot more information from the specialist. Merry Christmas and Have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Hey..... How are ya....?
Ok, still have about 10lbs of water weight on. I am going to the hospital in a few minutes to get some lab work done to see if my kidneys are working yet. So wish me luck. On the bright side I am sleeping semi-normal again. I feel well but am having problems driving, so I am being chauffeured around. The doctors don't want me doing too much until the kidney thing is resolved. Everyone here is doing fine, did I mention how proud I am of Morgan for passing his Hunters Ed? Anyway, For the kids today is the last day of school before spring break. They are hoping for a really long spring break, its only until Tuesday. I think they are all ready for summer to be here. Well, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, We pray for all of you everyday, and hope your burdens are a little bit lighter as you face the day. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Monday, April 12, 2010
woo hoo its monday
Ok, I made it through the weekend with no major bumps. I survived a fun 70th birthday party for my father-in-law Joel. I even survived a short stint after that at my parents just to say high to the fam. Then I went home and crashed. So today, I had to go and get a blood test that told me my kidneys still aren't working right. The prognosis for now is to watch it and just keep going. Not in real danger yet just worry area. So I have to wait a few days and then go back for another test to see if my kidneys are back to normal yet. its a good thing I have a lot of blood. I spent the day with my dad, teaching me the magic art of Wii Golf. We had a lot of fun, and i got out of the house, sort of. At least out of my house. Not much progress on the water weight loss this time. So I hope you are having a great day, and Buffy, I hope your Easter Contata went as planned. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Weight coming of slowly
Ok, so I am a whiner, since Friday morning I have lost 10 lbs. The only problem is that I am still huge, well huger than normal. I think the lasiks are starting to work, but tomorrow I have another lab that will be run to let us know. If it doesn't work, I am not sure what direction they will go. But either way, I am home with my family so it is a good day. But I think the kids are over missing me. OH HEY, I almost forgot, the best news of all. Morgan passed Hunters Ed. Woo Hoo for the boy! When the weight comes off I will take a couple more photos and post before and after, or is it after and then more after..... Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
First full day home
Ok, this was my first full day home. While it is really a relief to be home, I feel like crap. (yes, for my bro, soft and squishy literally.) While a gained 23 lbs in the hospital I have gained another 3 lbs of water weight since leaving the hospital. One of the side effects from this treatment is kidneys not working properly. Guess what, that is where I currently am, in kidneys not working world, anyone know the way out? I have been drinking cranberry juice, water, and Gatorade. Making sure I stay hydrated. I have a blood test in the morning that will hopefully let me take my lasiks that really get the water off. But you probably saw the pictures, so I won't dwell on this. Other than the water thing I am doing awesome. My wife actually let me go for a ride in the car today, I rode shotgun, boom, boom!!! I think it will still be a few days before I can drive and with the kidney thing it may be longer than I am currently anticipating. My sleep patterns are really messed up as well. I think part of it is the discomfort from the water gain. I can only sit or lay in a position for a couple of hours, then I have to move, which means wake up, and getting to sleep is not easy. So this time even though I was in the hospital shorter has its own little quirk's to get used to. But the good news of the treatments working get me through the hard times like this. That and the prayers and thoughts that are going out for me. Merry Christmas and Have a lovely day.
Love Andy. ps, I will let you know when I start lasiks.
Love Andy. ps, I will let you know when I start lasiks.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Not for the faint of heart
Ok, here are some pics of me. While not exactly disturbing material, it is not great to look at. I will post some after pics when the weight comes off. Anyway, you can see, that my stomach is distended, and yes its painful,
and while I admit to having big hulking arms, when we measured my forearms in the hospital they were 15 inches. My fore arms seemed to take the brunt of the swelling in my extremities.
The last is a picture of my left hand, which was the most swollen. Notice the rippling of the skin at the wrist, my arm is at a 45 there so it shouldn't do that, and for the record,
I don't think the picture does it justice. It is huge. ok pictures have been posted, be kind. Todays weight is 253. No special closing today, it is what it is. I will post later a real post.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
They decided to let me go home
I made it home finally. My kidneys still aren't working right, so I have to have some blood work done on Saturday, (Karl don't faint.) What does that mean to me? Well, I can't have any lasiks- the stuff that flushes my system of the extra water weight, 23 lbs if you were wondering, and that causes a bunch of other problems. Like my body being swollen and hurting. My throat is swollen so when I cough it gags me, that one really sucks. My hands are so swollen right now that they look like I have the starting of blisters on them, and I don't have knuckles where my fingers connect into my hands. If I get a chance i will take some pictures. I don't know how my feet are, I can't see them and I can't bend over that far. Hopefully on Saturday I can start taking the lasiks. Enough of the bad stuff, I AM HOME, that is great news. Just being out of the hospital makes me feel better, I may not get any better sleep, but at least at home I know where the junk food is. I just got back from the junk food stash, and my cheese sticks are gone, and so are the ham slices, there goes my protein for the day. But I found the Pepsi and root beer, so we could still party down. I had better quit posting and start making lists of survival food for the rest of the week. One of which is Gatorade, it helps so much, so does cranberry juices. For the most part I feel pretty good, as long as I can sit and don't have to move to much or start itching very much I am feeling pretty dang good. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, Merry Christmas, and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Good news bad news day
I am done with the IL2 treatment today, we only got 3 this week. But i will be going home a day earlier than planned. I will be going home on Thursday, provided we can get my kidneys working properly. One of the many complications with this therapy. But all in all things are going well. The side effects came hard and fast this time, so they spread out the dosing to every 12 hours in stead of 8. Talking with the doctors, we don't think we would have made 3 if i went every 8 hours. so from here out it will probably be 1 dose every 12 hours, if my body will take it. Thanks for all the thought and prayers, they really are felt and they help. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Monday, April 5, 2010
1st day 1st dose 2nd treatment
Had a rough night for not being on treatment yet. But today has gone pretty good, I did have some rigors with the first dose at noon, but that was expected. A little demoral and sleep and I am back in business (after the nap I take). Gotta run, Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I am here or there depend on how you view it
Ok, I am in the hospital, and I have been IV'd and am settling in for the night. So I thought I would say "hey, I didn't chicken out and Peggy made me come down here." So a big thanks to Peg, and now I am ready to take my medicine. I hope everybody has a great week, and I will talk to you in a day or so. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Today, is a day of bitter sweet activities. (this ones churchy)
Today, is Easter, a day where the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ is experienced at our house. It is also a day where later on I will be admitted to the hospital for another round of treatment. While sitting in the hospital last time, lost in discomfort and frustrations of feeling sick and not being able to do anything about it. A peaceful feeling came over me giving me some insights to the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Resurrection. That through the Atonement all things will be made whole and right. This includes infirmities, (Matthew 8:17 -That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sickness.) Another scripture in the Book of Mormon says (Alma 7:12- And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities,...) These two scriptures have helped me to realize that no matter what I go through the Lord understands with exactness what I have to deal with and can and has sent his comforter, the Holy Ghost(HG) to help bear the hard times. The HG has allowed me to feel of the prayers that have been offered in my behalf, usually at the lowest points of the treatment when I plead for help in prayer, and know that I need help to make it through the trying times. It is for this reason I thank all of you for your prayers, because I realize I can't make it through this on my own. I need my family, and you all, my friends to make it through these tough times. Thank you. I will end so as to not make this too long, but I will say in the words of one of my favorite hymns, referring to Easter. "I know that my redeemer lives, what comfort this sweet sentence gives, " I love and appreciate you all. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy
Love Andy
Saturday, April 3, 2010
New Sod in our yard

We had Sod delivered a day earlier than we planned, so sorry to those who wanted to help, we had some other people show up and help lay it. Just to make sure that i didn't do too much they had me make dinner, so to show appreciation I made some Dutch Oven taters while they were laying sod. So while they were working so was I, sort of. Any way the picture shows what they did. I think they did a great job. And the best part is, it snowed Friday night, and there are supposed to be storms off and on all this week so we don't have to water it. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Friday, April 2, 2010
More info on results
Ok, I am sitting home on my computer now instead of posting from my phone. So a little more details. While at first I was disappointed that the tumors hadn't shrunk in size. Dr. Grossman explained to me that this is great, and that only 60 percent of the patients have these results. He said I should be happy with these results, this was exactly what we wanted to see. By the way, we were able to see the scans, and they are really cool. You get to view your body from head to toe one frame at a time. So we finally got to see the tumors and where they are in the lungs. So we are really happy with the results. It is kind of a bitter sweet result. But he did tell us that even if there was no trace of the tumors, for good measure I would still be going in for treatment this weekend. But for now we are really happy at our house. Woo Hoo, the crap I have been going through is worth it. Yeah for us, and for all of you who care so much about us. Thanks for all the prayers, see they really do work. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Love Andy.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Stuck, scanned and kicked out
Today I had my CT scan, they had to put an IV in and then scanned me and promptly escorted me out of the room back to the waiting room. They were really nice but extremely busy. I then drove the 100 miles home to have a crown put on, does that make me royalty? I will be finding out tomorrow what the results of the scan. Pending on the results, the plan of action is as follows, blue 42, blue 42, hut hut. If there is no change in the size of the tumors or if they have shrunk, (we are hoping for shrunk) I will go through another series of treatment, beginning on Sunday. If they have grown, (this is bad), we will determine another course of action. So there you have it. I will be updating my blog tomorrow after the doctor appointment. So in the mean time, Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy
Love Andy
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