Saturday, April 10, 2010

First full day home

Ok, this was my first full day home. While it is really a relief to be home, I feel like crap. (yes, for my bro, soft and squishy literally.) While a gained 23 lbs in the hospital I have gained another 3 lbs of water weight since leaving the hospital. One of the side effects from this treatment is kidneys not working properly. Guess what, that is where I currently am, in kidneys not working world, anyone know the way out? I have been drinking cranberry juice, water, and Gatorade. Making sure I stay hydrated. I have a blood test in the morning that will hopefully let me take my lasiks that really get the water off. But you probably saw the pictures, so I won't dwell on this. Other than the water thing I am doing awesome. My wife actually let me go for a ride in the car today, I rode shotgun, boom, boom!!! I think it will still be a few days before I can drive and with the kidney thing it may be longer than I am currently anticipating. My sleep patterns are really messed up as well. I think part of it is the discomfort from the water gain. I can only sit or lay in a position for a couple of hours, then I have to move, which means wake up, and getting to sleep is not easy. So this time even though I was in the hospital shorter has its own little quirk's to get used to. But the good news of the treatments working get me through the hard times like this. That and the prayers and thoughts that are going out for me. Merry Christmas and Have a lovely day.
Love Andy. ps, I will let you know when I start lasiks.

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