Monday, June 13, 2011

simple is best

Andy was going to post something, but he has forgotten again. I really think it is more the fact that his mind has been focused on some news that is not happy. He learned last week that another person with melanoma has passed away. When you hear of someone being diagnosed with cancer your heart naturally goes out to them and their family. But when you hear about someone that has the same cancer as you passing away it takes more than just your heart to get through the news. This woman was young with little kids and a darling husband. She was diagnosed around the same time as Andy, however, it took all of three months for her scans to show no new tumors or growth to showing the disease consuming her entire body. This is the reality of melanoma. You can be showing stability or reduction in the tumors with no new tumors then at your next scan it can show thousands of tumors throughout every organ and the primary tumors increase to an exponential rate of growth. These moments when we hear of someone with melanoma passing away always sends Andy into a tail spin. It reminds us of limited time, and the difficulty of planning a future. Goals become things of months or if we are daring a year, never 5 years or ten or...
So you ask, "how do you do it?"
You focus on what is important. Family, friends, community, and be thankful for what you have now, health, home, God.Which brings me to yesterday. We attended church (which was Stake Conference for us), and then after prepared for Andy's family to come over for the monthly 2nd Sunday dinner. It was fun, however, we missed those that were not able to come. We did really enjoy having Evans and his wonderful daughters come. Sophie is two and adorable. Kara is four and knows her own mind. Kara took our dog Baler for a walk while Sophie and I meandered down the road. They both got to ride on our horse and laugh as the turkeys. Seeing the world through their eyes is always intoxicating. Our kids are growing so fast. I have to remind myself to stop and enjoy where my kids are at in their life. Simple pleasures, simple times are always best.

1 comment:

bruce andrew said...

Peggy and Andy
I know exactly what you mean about Kara and Sophie. Those girls have been great therapy for me. I am jealous and happy at the same time. Take care.