Saturday, January 29, 2011

Down and back in a flash

It was another crazy trip to Las Vegas. Thanks to Joel and Zina (Peggy's Mom and Dad) for going with us it was a lot of fun. Went to the Antique mall of America, Its like a big swap meet indoors, with some really neat stuff. We also went to Bass Pro Shop, that was fun too. We met with Dr. Samlowski and Jennifer at the Nevada Cancer Institute. After some discussion, and some silliness, we have decided to keep going down to Vegas for evaluations. Dr. Samlowski is a valuable asset in our fight against cancer, and we highly value his input. So Kallee and Ashley, in the words of Arnold "I'll be back."

We have some good news and some just normal news, no bad news which is good. The good news is, no new tumors and no tumor growth. Where I just finished radiation treatment on Monday, it is too early to see if it is working or not. Like I mentioned before, that will be in April sometime. The normal news, I am having some lung issues, coughing, short of breath, and some pain with deep breaths, but that was to be expected. It should pass with time. It is from the inflammation of the lung tissue that was radiated. I take some ibuprofen, and it helps quite a bit.
Oh, I almost forgot. We stopped in Scipio on the way down and they had this cute little zebra walking it around the parking lot. By the way, they have a petting zoo at the Flying J in Scipio, and the most amazing hand dryers, they are jet powered. So a picture was needed of the zebra. And now you can enjoy it too.
I think that's about it. So Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love, Andy.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Alright! Meet you at Ross J's! ;)