Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Side Effects are starting to show up.

Well, I knew they were coming and they finally made it here. Side effects, you can't have cancer treatment without side effects. While they aren't likely to do me in, they are a nuisance none the less. Started feeling them come on last night. While they are side effects, they are not the ones I expected to first have so I guess this is sort of a good thing. This is mostly nausea, and achy stomach. Nothing too serious, just need to get a handle on it so I can return to my normal day to day schedule. But on a good note, the sun is shining and it is a really lovely day outside, I can see it through the window. If I get feeling better I may even wander out and sit on the front porch and enjoy the sun. Everyone is doing well, and has adjusted to school ok. Even Peggy, is doing good in school. It takes up a lot of every one's schedule, but such is life. Well, Merry Christmas and have a lovely day. Love Andy

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