Friday, September 10, 2010

False Alarm, sort of

I am feeling a lot better today. I am still having some slight problems, but nothing that can't be handled. Fortunately I can take care of it without medication, at this point. So we are good for now.
On my last treatment I met a guy who has melanoma and is going through the same treatment as me. He had an interesting story and told me his cancer history, I found it interesting, but I won't bore you with it, I will give you the short version.
To make a long story short, late 2006 found out he had melanoma, had surgery, thought they got it all. 2008 had a lump on shoulder, checked into it, melanoma. It was in his brain, lungs, and colon. They focused on the brain, and shrunk that tumor, the others grew and he has a new one in his abdomen. He is hoping this Ipi treatment will work for him, so do I.
What was interesting to me, (keep in mind it's all about me), was how sad I felt for him, and at the same time, how blessed (lucky) I am to have my cancer only spread to what it has. For him, in two years, it has gone throughout his body, in 5 years for me, it is barely starting to grow in my lungs. One of the most treatable areas it can go. We caught mine early, and it helped to catch a potentially fatal heart problem.
While it totally sucks to have cancer, I have to admit if it wasn't for the cancer there is a really good chance that I wouldn't be here because of the heart problem.
Well, anyway, I had an eyeopening experience to how fortunate I am to be as healthy as I am at this point. And to have the great support in place that all of you give to me. It makes going through the hard days, a whole lot easier knowing that all of you are praying, and pulling for me. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you! Merry Christmas, and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.

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