Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We are sorry that we have not posted a new blog sooner, however, we just didn't know what to write. Monday we met with Dr. Mcgreggor (kidney doctor). Andy had more blood tests done and then we were told to wait. So, we did. We learned what we already knew. Andy's kidney's have been through major trauma with the Il2 and the other meds that are needed to keep him alive when at Huntsman. This is old news. We also learned that with continued treatments it will progressively get worse for the kidneys and failure is plausible. Also old news. The new news is that Dr. Grossman (oncologist) is leaning toward going to plan B and not finishing out the Il2. We will have the decision made by Thursday at the latest on what we are doing. I know that many of you are feeling alarmed about this information. Let me put it to you this way. We are at the first of probably many crossroads of decisions about Andy's treatments. The question is, "what is worse, the treatment or the disease." I know that the disease would be the first and loudest you all would say, but let me remind you of the very real fact that Andy has stage 4 melanoma. This is a cancer that is in the top 5 most aggressive and non-treatable cancers our society is facing. It is not a matter of if it takes Andy's life, but when. We want as a family to have as much time together on this earth. We also want it to be possible for Andy to be able to function during that time. Right now we face a real possibility that continuing with Il2 will take away a quality of life that we have right now. I don't want to alarm any of you. We pray for and believe that miracles can and do happen, and have seen them frequently happen over the last six months. And that Andy may have that chance to out live most Doctors theories. That is why we look at every possibility and options. For Andy, he is positive and upbeat about the direction the doctors are going. Andy and I personally feel that Dr. Grossman, Dr. Mcgreggor, and all the staff at Huntsman are truly being inspired in Andy's treatments. I hope that all of you that read this do not think I am being depressed or negative. I just what you to know what is going on with treatments and how Andy is progressing. I am comforted by the doctors and their real concern of Andy and his overall well being. To prove my point. If Andy does not go into Huntsman this weekend for treatments. The doctors have said they will wait until we come back from our trip to Florida to continue. They want us as a family to go on this trip and they know that Andy will not be able to go it if there is not enough recovery time between the treatment and the trip. We all feel the Lord's hand in this trial. We feel there is much to learn and we will be given the time to learn it. No one knows their time line in this life. But we all know it will end someday. And we have decided to live and enjoy what beautiful things the Lord has provide us. We have wonderful neighbors that are willing to sacrifice time and energy to help us with things that were at one time very simple for us to accomplish. Cutting, baling, and water the field was the simplest of tasks for Andy, until now. And we are blessed with Bruce Zundel and family, Jay Capner and family, and Rob and Danny, who are our heroes for their help, just to name a few. We love you and appreciate all you do. Thanks to all of you and your prayers. We will see miracles upon miracles as we all progress through this. I feel that the Lord has many things for Andy and I to do still, and cancer will not impede us. So with this very long posting, we want to remind you to wear your sunscreen and stop to smell the flowers. We love you!!Keep up the prayers.

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