Thursday, June 24, 2010

More labs.....

This pretty much sums how I have felt today. I called the lab a couple of hours after I had my blood drawn, and they told my my creatnine levels were almost 1.7. This is bad. They were 1.5 last week when they said no treatment, they are supposed to be below 1.2. I called Dr. Grossman's office and talked to Karen (the nurse). I told her the numbers for the Creatnine, and then she went and checked the fax machine, and talked with Dr. Grossman, she called me back and said I needed to meet with Dr. Mcgregor, the nephrologist (kidney doctor) and informed me that I would be taken off of the list for coming in this weekend. This is really frustrating, because there is nothing I can do to fix it. It is totally out of my control. Which is a recurring pattern with this cancer stuff. Maybe there is a lesson here that God would like me to learn? I'll work on trying to figure that out later. But in the meantime I got a message at 5:30 on my home phone, how they got that number I will never know, that I need to get with Dr. Mcgregor, while my cel phone, which is practically attached to my hip, and its the only number I gave them to call me at, never rang. So I breath, and just keep breathing, hoping for more patience and less reminding that I am not in control. On a good note, it looks like I will be able to attend a day at the Andrew Family reunion, and then spend the 4th of July in the hospital (maybe), if my kidneys cooperate. I will keep on praying for patience to deal with this, keep smiling and trying to keep a positive outlook. I just looked at the clock and it's later than I would like to admit, but I have been too upset to write until now. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts in my behalf, if it wasn't for all of you and my family, I would have been overwhelmed long ago. My heart felt appreciation is not truly conveyable, but I truly love you all and am honored to make it to your personal communion with God. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
PS. I am very aware that Peggy is a lot better writer than I am. She is a lot better at most things. I am truly lucky to have such a wonderful supportive Wife.


Tanya Layne said...

Keep your chin up! We'll keep sending prayers your way!
We LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

Patience is a hard lesson to learn. Just know that God is in control and he loves you more than we do! Hang tough the road is rocky I know for you at this time. Life can be confusing at times, but it's alos full of surprises. The next rock in your path might be a stepping stone.