Friday, June 18, 2010

hope floats

Today is a good day. Andy and I went to Huntsman and did the regular pre-admit check up with Dr. Grossman. Although Andy will not be admitted on Sunday to start the 2nd half of the 3rd series of IL2. We did find out that Dr. Grossman went to a national melanoma conference, and learned more about a drug that has shown a remarkable number of success in the battle against this form of aggressive cancer. We all know that we are not immortal, yet when you have been given an actual time line you tend to get excited when the experts tell you about another possible way to stay here on earth with the ones you love. I would love to give you the name of this treatment, but I can not even say it more or less write it. Plus we were not given specifics, just a little bit of hope for a new plan B. I guess you would like to know why Andy is not going in on Sunday for treatments. His labs came back showing that his kidneys are not functioning at an acceptable level to begin the treatments, so Dr. Grossman has delayed Andy's admit until next Sunday. Andy's recovery this time around has been slow compared to previous recovery times. His feeling of being extreme tired and sick to his stomach is due to dehydration and high creatnine levels in the kidneys. We were not surprised about the delay and we actually feel this will be better, and will allow Andy to have a better chance to recieve more doses. If you can not tell we are happy with this news. I hope you can tell how much the Dr.'s and staff at Huntsman really care about Andy and our family on a very real personal level. We are so thankful to them. They are always looking for ways to fight this cancer with Andy as partners in crime. We want you all to remember to keep a possitive attitude and know we love each of you and pray for you and your family. Keep up the prayers we always can use them. We really do feel your love, thoughts, and prayers. Thank you.

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