Sunday, May 2, 2010

I made it home, to a tornado I think.

I am doing well, and recovering. The water weight is coming off slowly, which is expected. The water should really start coming off tomorrow or Tuesday. But with the huge windstorm we had while I was in the hospital we sustained some damage to an outbuilding and our fence in the backyard.

Here are some pictures, nothing like my before pictures, so Alan, its safe to look at. The Pictures are of my fence looking south, and my chicken coop which is still standing and the Horse barn, which is not is to the North. Also, in one of the pictures you can see the feeder is upside down with some feed still in it. Not tipped over, UPSIDE DOWN. How does that happen?!? So herein lies the question, how does a fence blow down to the south and within 50yards a horse shed blow down to the north? No one was hurt and no animals were injured, thank goodness, a friend has our horse while I am going through treatment or the horse would more than likely been in the shed at the time.

So we will be working on building a new fence and working on whether or not we are going to try to salvage the shed or scrap it and start over. I thought the pictures were very interesting. Like I said we are all doing well, and other than the dogs not being happy about being let out a little less, all in good spirits.

Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,

Love Andy.


Gabe said...

So, in the midst of this alleged tornado, did your new shed budge? Or are you now convinced that I was right and you should anchor it?

Andy L. said...

It didn't so much as think about moving. The tarpaper on the roof however that is another story. Which is easily fixed.