Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ahh family...(peggy)

This blog is dedicated to my mom, who is always saying I need to write down funny things that happen to the kids to preserve the memory. So, I begin with Morgan. While Morgan and I drive to school every morning, we talk about things that are happening at school, home, friends etc. One morning, we were talking about how when he is in the older grades, Andy and I expect him to be involved with extra curricular things (band, sports,etc.). I bring up the topic of sports and let him know that we would support him if he would like to do football (I love football). He replies with, "I don't want to play football. I don't wanna mess up all of this." (he was pointing toward his face) What...I was speechless, then laughed hysterical. He was serious. How do you respond? Next, Shaeli, she is always pointing out the obvious. While going to girls camp with her leaders and fellow Young Women, she exclaims as she looks at the scenery around them, "wow look at that tree. It's sticking out of the ground!!" Oh, Shaeli. In her defense the tree was horizontal to the ground. The others didn't see the tree at first. Good laugh. Now for Caity, she was the lovely child who asked my mother, "If I count all your wrinkles will I know your age?". Sweet child. But, I digress, my real story for this funny blog happened on Sunday morning to my mom. As my nephew's chickens run around outside on the loose and not wanting to coroporate. Amy, my sister, was attempting to catch a run-away chicken in her pj's that showed more than what my mom was comfortable with. So, she insists that my sister take her robe to cover up. Now let me explain they are all outside in the wide, wide world during this escapade. That isn't the funny part. What is funny is my mom gave up her robe while wearing nothing but her undies underneath. Yes, that is right, mom streaked across the yard. My religous, well behaved, upstanding citizen mom showed her stuff to the neighborhood. Right on mom!! I hope one day she will forgive me for writing down these funny yet embarrising moment, but I have to remind her that she told me to write things down. She just never said where. LOVE YOU MOM!!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Love it! Can't wait for you to share more.