Thursday, January 20, 2011

Side Effects

This treatment has been a little different as far as side effects go. I haven't had ballooning weight, close calls with death or even massive stomach pains. This one has been more subtle and at times a lot more frustrating. After my last treatment (Tuesday) we (the doctors and I) decided that the steroid they were giving me to ward off swelling and inflammation was causing my side effects. Keep in mind this was after I had already taken it. So Tuesday the side effects started, no sleep for me. I tried but you can only lay in bed for so long, finally at 7am I was able to drift off. Red Flushing of my neck and face ensued shortly after waking up and then the heartburn. So I get to take Benedryll, and be groggy all day, but the redness goes away and if I eat little bits often, I can keep the heartburn at bay. So Today I get ready to start this over again, hopefully with less or no side effects, we are going steroid free today and see how I turn out. In a few hours I will be back on the table being radiated, and still to my disappointment, no glowing in the dark. But that would make it hard for Peggy to sleep so I guess that is a good thing. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, We love and appreciate you all. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.

Oh, as a side note, we put a slide show up of our family pictures, I hope everyone can see them. If there is a problem with anybody viewing them let me know.

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