Friday, August 27, 2010

Good news for now YEAH!!!!

I was going to go down to Huntsman today and have a biopsy of the lump in my neck done. While I was on my way down, Karen (the nurse) called me and asked how things were going, how the lump was. I told her the lump had shrunk and wasn't as visible as before. Fortunately for me since Wednesday it has reduced in size considerably and is no longer hard. I credit the antibiotics for that. So that means it was just an infection not a tumor. She said that as long as it was getting smaller and seeming to go away I didn't need to come down, (sorry Nelson). We are happy with the good news. We went to the Rodeo last night and enjoyed a relaxing evening watching cowboys getting bucked off of animals. We will be going to the Fair and the exhibits today and then going to bed early. It has been a less than desirable week, but a week at home with my family, so I'll take it. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day. Love Andy


Wendy said...

Love to hear good news! Thanks for the blog updates. You're in my prayers.

Janeally said...

Andy & Peggy,
I saw Zina & Joel tonight and they told me about what you have been going through, my heart aches for you and your trials you have endured, Please, let me know if there is ANYTHING!! I or we can do for you! I will call tomorrow. I feel awful that I haven't all ready been there for you! Take care and I will be in touch. Much love & prayers! =^)