Saturday, February 6, 2010

Good News! (sort of) #2

Ok, I went back to bed a slept for a while so I am ready for the day. Between the time I got home and ready to leave for the temple (about 10 min). I got a phone call from LeAnn, Dr. Grossman's nurse. I now know the phone number that shows up on caller ID for the Huntsman Center, and I drop everything to answer it. Anyway, she gave me the treatment dates, and (wait for it, ) I start treatment on the 15th of Feb. I will be admitted on the 14th, Valentines day. My wife and I have talked, we think it is fitting that I will go in on valentines day, a day that commemorates love. What better way to celebrate that facing a life threatening challenge together with a positive attitude. So, if all goes well, I will have treatment next week, be off for two weeks and back in for another week long treatment on March 7th. I almost forgot, the treatment we have decided on is the IL2. Temporary side effects and long term possibilities. Once again, I would like to thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, I really can feel them. It makes my day go better and facing such a daunting task much easier. (churchy alert) I have learned so much in the last week about how much God truly loves each and every one of us. And how he will not give us trials greater than we are able to bear. One thing I have realized about that last part is how much we discount our selves and God in what we are capable of doing with his help. I have truly felt the hand of God in my daily activities. I have felt of the love and concern he has for the struggles I am feeling. Through my prayers and the prayers of others I have been able to gain strength in areas where I have been very weak before. It is a humbling and faith building experience. I wish you all the best and to be able to feel the love others have for you as well as the love from our Heavenly Father, as I have been able to do. It truly is a shame that it takes a tragedy in ones live to bring this wonderful blessing to fruition. But then again if I had felt this all along, I don't know if it would help me as much as it is now. I love you all, have a great day and Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Chris Stoker said...

Andy....its sad that I haven't talked to you for so many years and it takes something like this to force me to get in contact....I just want you to know that you've been in our thoughts and prayers the last few days and you will continue to be....we're rooting for you and your family:)

Chris Stoker