Friday, May 28, 2010

A request for a little help

Ok, I have a special request. I have a friend I work with, who is really involved with cancer research, because he has some friends who are currently undergoing cancer treatments. I am only one of them. He has a noble cause and some personal goals. He does road bike races. Oh, Nelson is his name, some of you know him. Help him hit his goal of getting $1000 for the LOTOJA, Logan to Jackson hole bike race. (That is his preliminary goal, but his real goal is at least $1500.) All the donations go to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation. That's where I and many other people are getting treatment at. His link is Any donation for him would be a donation for me and others who are going through treatment. I even donated, which he thought was wrong, having someone who has cancer donating to cancer research. But that is how strongly I believe in it and how much I support him. For his friendship and support. So every little bit helps, please be generous. Thanks a bunch all, I will have a post later today on how our meeting with the doctor went. Wish us good luck. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.

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