Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today it is official

Today I was diagnosed with melanoma in my lungs. Not a great conversation to have with your new doctor. While it was very informative, the overall tone was one of crappy news. So I did what any farm boy would do, I wade through the crap and see what work needs to be done. There were a few options for treatment, but the one that seems to fit me needs the most is the Interlukin II or IL2 treatment. While if everything goes well, I could be around for another 10 years, if not probably closer to 2. But I like the number 10 so lets shoot for that. I will have to have a stress test before they start treatment because it is really hard on your heart. I have been told I have a big heart, lets just hope it wasn't an enlarged one. This evening we have sat down with the kids and told them all the options and the expected results, and side-effects. One had the equivilant of explosive diarhea, Morgan thought that was funny and wanted to know if my butt would blow off. I told him, it wouldnt, even though I might wish it to. The day was productive because now we have a direction to go. Just thought I would let everyone know how awesome my wife is and how great a trooper she is. I don't know how I could have ever made it through the first bout of Melanoma, 4 years and 10 months ago with out her being there for me. I always wanted to pay her back somehow and here I go again adding to the mountian of debt i already owe her. So do me a favor and pray for her for strength and peace. (thats just to put up with me on a regular basis.)

1 comment:

KC said...

Andy, believe me, you are too damn stubborn to die... you will be around for at least 10 more years! We love you and are praying for all of you. Let us/Evens know if you guys need anything, ok?