June, the month named after the Roman/Greek God Juno/Hera. It is also the month I married my beautiful wife Peggy. (for those of you keeping track, it is also the month after melanoma awareness month. He he he.)
We have been married for 19 years. Time flies when you are having fun. In the nineteen years we have been married, we have managed to work at ensuring our posterity in trifecta. With any luck they can find a way to avoid the ailments that have become the bane of my existence.
I don't have an update for my cancer this month, but my shoulder is doing really well. I have been told it will take a year to get my bicep attachment as strong as it will ever be, six months to get to 80%. A lot of it depends on how I do my therapy.
I have been doing my therapy everyday, and started walking. Peggy is training to run a marathon, whether it happens, that's up to her, but she has been running every night for the past week. I started walking with her, only slower and not as far. She starts out with me until I get tired and have to slow my pace, then zooms off like a shot and when she turns around so do I, when she catches back up I walk faster for a little while then we cool down together. So far its working well. I haven't keeled over yet.
My scans will be around mid July. My results will be a few days after on the 16th. So for a cancer update, check back on the 16th of July.
May your June be filled with fun in the sun, with sunscreen of course and summer activities.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.