Is anyone reading this? If not, that's ok, there is some therapeutic properties to writing.
The previous post was to see if anyone would comment on the vague post.
Anyway.... the good news is that the three tumors in my lungs are completely gone, only scar tissue remains, the new tumor from a few months ago is shrinking, and the other thing in my lungs, turned out to be a pocket of radiation that is dissipating. So Wooo hoooo, what a great christmas gift!
So on that note, May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
i had scans, got good news. I am tired,
Thanks for reading.
Merry christmas and have a lovely day.
Thanks for reading.
Merry christmas and have a lovely day.
Monday, December 5, 2011
amazing grace
Yesterday we ditched church to go help our cousins in Kaysville. They had their fence blown down from last weeks' wind storms. They asked for our help and we gladly answered. The amazing thing was that when we arrived the entire neighborhood was in full swing on clean up duty. It was incredible to see people that didn't know one another just line up pick-ups and start cleaning the mess. There was so much debris. Pine trees 40 feet plus laying on the ground. Fences down on the ground with the posts just snapped like they were made from toothpicks. Roofs missing so many shingles. The level of organization and willingness of people was awe inspiring. Our cousins said that their bishop was called by their stake president and told to cancel church that Sunday and just get out do the work that so many needed help with. Whether they were members or not they were to help clean up and haul away the mess. And they did just that. I left their house feeling like I just witnessed the true spirit of Christmas. People were kind and caring. They laughed with one another, they picked up and hauled away together. I watched the news this morning. The broadcaster was talking about the amount of debris at the landfill. And that the Governor called out the national guard to aid in clean up. I think that the broadcaster missed the real story. The story should have focused on the amazing grace that so many had for each other. They really showed charity, the pure love of Christ. I hope that I could say that we all would do the same, especially with the season of giving upon us. This was a great experience for myself and my kids. I hope they remember how it felt to see so many people show love for their neighbor, whether they knew them or not. Amazing is all I can say. True amazing grace.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Rain, wind, and no fire
Woke up this morning to pitter-patter of raindrops on the window. I rolled over and thought, crap. I am not a hardcore fisherman, so no fishing this morning unless the rain stops. So I let everyone sleep in. I have seen how a bunch of people are having November as the 30 days of being thankful. I think that is awesome, but I am not following suit. Partially because many of them are doing it via facebook. I don't log on everyday. So here is a list of 30 things I am thankful for, in no particular order.
1. Family
1. Family
2. My Wife Peggy
3. Shaeli
4. Caity
5. Morgan
I know they are my family, but they are all individually important to me and collectively important, I felt that it warranted inclusion in both categories. Besides, "Family" is all inclusive of Brothers, Sisters, Parents, (in-laws and out-laws).
8. Advances in Medicine
9. Charitable People
9. Charitable People
11. Guitars
12. Rain
12. Rain
13. Puppy dogs
14. Old dogs
15. Grey Dogs (he he he)
15. Grey Dogs (he he he)
16. Lifelong friendships, and memories of Friends who have passed.
17. New Friends
17. New Friends
18. people who take pride in their work
19. Teenagers - they make me laugh
20. the laughter of children
21. the blossoms of our American Red Bud - its only for a week or so, but smells so sweet.
22. tulips in the spring
23. crocus's in late winter
19. Teenagers - they make me laugh
20. the laughter of children
21. the blossoms of our American Red Bud - its only for a week or so, but smells so sweet.
22. tulips in the spring
23. crocus's in late winter
25. Hugs, they are extra special from a child.
26. the listening ear of someone who knows what you are going through.
26. the listening ear of someone who knows what you are going through.
27. Hunting, fishing, hiking - outdoor stuff. especially with my family.
28. Miracles that are just between me and God.
29. Art, drawings, paintings, sculptures and such
29. Art, drawings, paintings, sculptures and such
30. and of course YOU!
I know this is different but its ok. Happy Holidays to everyone, may your turkey day be filling, and may your Christmas be Merry. have a lovely day.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
An update in telegraph form
Things are going well (stop)
Dealing with the pain (stop)
walking everyday (stop)
went hunting saturday didn't see any pheasants (stop)
looking forward to the holidays (stop)
Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts (don't stop) :)
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Dealing with the pain (stop)
walking everyday (stop)
went hunting saturday didn't see any pheasants (stop)
looking forward to the holidays (stop)
Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts (don't stop) :)
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Halloween scary story
Once upon a time, there was a creature that liked to dwell in the dark places and consume anything in its proximity. This creature is hard to kill, and is almost always deadly. It is one of natures supreme predators. They are hard to find, and usually once they are located, they are the most dangerous. I am one of the few that have survived an encounter with this beast. I was lucky to get away with my life. I was not able to get away unscathed, but I got away. The bad thing is, once it catches your scent, you always have to watch your back. I recently was put in contact with a team of people who are familiar with the beast and have even killed several of them. They have lasers, xrays, and special chemicals that have been shown to effective against the creatures.
Ok enough of that, my imagination is tired. We had scans and met with the doctor, the outcome was the tumors in my lungs are all Non-detect, and the tumor in my shoulder has shrunk 60%. WOO HOO for us!!!!!!!!!
There was as there always is a small caveat. The one this time is an anomaly that might be tumor, might be a pocket of residual radiation. The way we tell what it is, wait six weeks and do another scan. If its bigger, or more defined, its cancer. If its smaller, then its a pocked of radiation. The chances of it being radiation are about 90% so we are not too worried about this. and if it happens to be a tumor, it is extremely small.
All is well and we have our party pants on for celebration of Halloween. So bring out the ghosts and goblins, witches and zombies. Tis the haunting season, I hope you get your pants scared off. (in my best Vincent price laugh) he he he ha ha ha he ha he ha ha ha he he ha ha ha.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Ok enough of that, my imagination is tired. We had scans and met with the doctor, the outcome was the tumors in my lungs are all Non-detect, and the tumor in my shoulder has shrunk 60%. WOO HOO for us!!!!!!!!!
There was as there always is a small caveat. The one this time is an anomaly that might be tumor, might be a pocket of residual radiation. The way we tell what it is, wait six weeks and do another scan. If its bigger, or more defined, its cancer. If its smaller, then its a pocked of radiation. The chances of it being radiation are about 90% so we are not too worried about this. and if it happens to be a tumor, it is extremely small.
All is well and we have our party pants on for celebration of Halloween. So bring out the ghosts and goblins, witches and zombies. Tis the haunting season, I hope you get your pants scared off. (in my best Vincent price laugh) he he he ha ha ha he ha he ha ha ha he he ha ha ha.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Shhh, don't tell Peggy I'm at it again
Ok, She doesn't know I am typing. I will let you know that I went hunting a while ago, and didn't get anything. ok I made a long story short. I also went fishing with the kids at Mantua resevior, we didn't catch anything there either. I am starting to think if I was to have to rely on my own doings to survive, we would have to become vegetarians. Except for the HUGE turkeys we have in the back yard. I am doing well, we have scans in the near future then we will know more. There you have it, precise, boring and to the point.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Are you serious?
I just looked at the blog for the first time in what seems like forever. Are any of you still there reading this? I have been so busy lately I left the blog up to Andy to inform and write about the insanity we call our life. He is sooo fired from this job. He hasn't updated anything and has left things just hanging out in space. Well, I will do it since I have a whole 2 min. to do nothing.
Okie-day, here it goes. Last month things were not good. Let's use the word horrifying. Andy was seriously in bad shape. He didn't really want to tell anyone and I don't blame him, however, can you say whiner. Okay I admit he has every reason to whine to me or anyone. It's just he only whined to me. No one else. Just me. JUST ME. Let's say that my patience and unconditional love for Andy was seriously on trial from August to October. Andy went through radiation from Aug 1st to Aug 31st. Everyday we went down for 20-30 min. for treatment then drove home. After the treatments were over Andy was starting to have some major problems. We thought it was due to the radiation. The longer time went on the worse and worse he physically got. He was dizzy, nauseous, and had no energy. His radiation burns were nasty on his neck and shoulder blade. They were tender and painful. He finally listen to me and called the Dr.'s down at Huntsman. They immediately had him come down. We went down and talked with Dr. Grossman. He was worried that Andy had a tumor in his brain since that is the "normal" coarse the disease would take. So off to the MRI we go. You know it is a little like the Wizard of Oz. "We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz." (That would be Dr. Grossman) We are even told to ignore the man behind the curtain, well sort of. There are "wizards" in the room behind the glass. Thankfully there was no tumor or ear infection or hypothesis (there was another possible problem that's name sounds like hypothesis I just can't remember what it was called. He doesn't have that either.) As we talked to the menagerie of Dr's, Andy and I started to think that his Cardiologist changed his cholesterol meds at the beginning of Sept. So, we call the cardiologist Dr. Jack(can't pronounce or spell his last name, we just call him Dr. Jack) and he tells us to stop taking the cholesterol meds for 2 days then take them again and see what happens. Guess what? Andy was having severe side effects from the cholesterol meds. Huh, go figure. We suffered for just a little over a month and it had nothing to do with the cancer thing. Laughable isn't it. Well, it is now. Andy is doing so much better. I'll let you in on a little secret... don't tell anyone...he feels so good he even helped me with yard work. I know, can you believe that! Shocking!
Andy is now enjoying the wide world of hunting in the Uinta's with my family. Yup, my family. Not me and the kids (however Morgan went with him), just him, Morgan, my brothers, and my dad. They are playing great white hunters. I just hope he gets a stupid elk. All he has talked about forever is this stupid hunt. We really didn't think he was going because he was so bad off last month. But it is amazing what the correct dose of medication will do for the body.
Well I need to finish this blog, so here is the last update for now. Andy will have scans on the 26th to see the progress or reduction of the tumors. We are hoping for reduction and possibly nonvisable to stable. We are really hoping for no new tumors. That is what most don't understand about this cancer. It is a cluster bomb that goes off in the body. You can stop one, two, maybe three tumors, but more start to grow somewhere else. It's never ending and always stressful. However, I want to remind you all. There is life during cancer. Cancer is not who we are. It does not define us. We define ourselves through our attitude and actions. Cancer can consume the mortal body, but we are more than flesh and bones. We are eternal beings with intelligence. We are designed by a powerful creator. One that loves us and is merciful to our imperfect selves. Remember that when life seems to overpower you. He is there. He listens, holds, and cares for you. He is the Lord of light, the Redeemer of man, the Almighty. He is Jesus Christ, the son of God.
I hope that didn't come off preachy. But...I want to help you remember, Andy and I are not alone. It is not our strength that has sustained us. It is you and your love and prayers, and the Lord that has given up hope and help. Thank you all.
Okie-day, here it goes. Last month things were not good. Let's use the word horrifying. Andy was seriously in bad shape. He didn't really want to tell anyone and I don't blame him, however, can you say whiner. Okay I admit he has every reason to whine to me or anyone. It's just he only whined to me. No one else. Just me. JUST ME. Let's say that my patience and unconditional love for Andy was seriously on trial from August to October. Andy went through radiation from Aug 1st to Aug 31st. Everyday we went down for 20-30 min. for treatment then drove home. After the treatments were over Andy was starting to have some major problems. We thought it was due to the radiation. The longer time went on the worse and worse he physically got. He was dizzy, nauseous, and had no energy. His radiation burns were nasty on his neck and shoulder blade. They were tender and painful. He finally listen to me and called the Dr.'s down at Huntsman. They immediately had him come down. We went down and talked with Dr. Grossman. He was worried that Andy had a tumor in his brain since that is the "normal" coarse the disease would take. So off to the MRI we go. You know it is a little like the Wizard of Oz. "We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz." (That would be Dr. Grossman) We are even told to ignore the man behind the curtain, well sort of. There are "wizards" in the room behind the glass. Thankfully there was no tumor or ear infection or hypothesis (there was another possible problem that's name sounds like hypothesis I just can't remember what it was called. He doesn't have that either.) As we talked to the menagerie of Dr's, Andy and I started to think that his Cardiologist changed his cholesterol meds at the beginning of Sept. So, we call the cardiologist Dr. Jack(can't pronounce or spell his last name, we just call him Dr. Jack) and he tells us to stop taking the cholesterol meds for 2 days then take them again and see what happens. Guess what? Andy was having severe side effects from the cholesterol meds. Huh, go figure. We suffered for just a little over a month and it had nothing to do with the cancer thing. Laughable isn't it. Well, it is now. Andy is doing so much better. I'll let you in on a little secret... don't tell anyone...he feels so good he even helped me with yard work. I know, can you believe that! Shocking!
Andy is now enjoying the wide world of hunting in the Uinta's with my family. Yup, my family. Not me and the kids (however Morgan went with him), just him, Morgan, my brothers, and my dad. They are playing great white hunters. I just hope he gets a stupid elk. All he has talked about forever is this stupid hunt. We really didn't think he was going because he was so bad off last month. But it is amazing what the correct dose of medication will do for the body.
Well I need to finish this blog, so here is the last update for now. Andy will have scans on the 26th to see the progress or reduction of the tumors. We are hoping for reduction and possibly nonvisable to stable. We are really hoping for no new tumors. That is what most don't understand about this cancer. It is a cluster bomb that goes off in the body. You can stop one, two, maybe three tumors, but more start to grow somewhere else. It's never ending and always stressful. However, I want to remind you all. There is life during cancer. Cancer is not who we are. It does not define us. We define ourselves through our attitude and actions. Cancer can consume the mortal body, but we are more than flesh and bones. We are eternal beings with intelligence. We are designed by a powerful creator. One that loves us and is merciful to our imperfect selves. Remember that when life seems to overpower you. He is there. He listens, holds, and cares for you. He is the Lord of light, the Redeemer of man, the Almighty. He is Jesus Christ, the son of God.
I hope that didn't come off preachy. But...I want to help you remember, Andy and I are not alone. It is not our strength that has sustained us. It is you and your love and prayers, and the Lord that has given up hope and help. Thank you all.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Perspective changes everything.
Doc: Andy we have some bad news for you.
Andy: Ok Doc what is it I can take it.
Doc: Well it’s really not good news.
Andy: Well Doc, you’ve already told me I was going to die once. How much worse can it get than that?
Doc: You might have another tumor, this time in your brain.
Andy: If there is a tumor, wouldn’t that mean we caught it early?
Doc: yes.
Andy: So we can treat a small tumor right?
Doc: Yes.
Andy: So where is the bad news? We might have a tumor, but if we do it is treatable, I am having a hard time seeing the not goodness here.
My conversations don’t really go like this, my doctors are awesome and are always upbeat. I have only had one doctor tell me that I might not make it, and that was a long time ago. After scans, that doctor changed their tune as well.
All in all, cancer is not a fun thing to have. Treatments cause side-effects, cancer causes side-effects, and stress causes side-effects. All of which I have, but I will only admit to two of them, which in turn increases the side-effects of the third.
But I have been having some problems lately with dizziness and nausea. If I didn’t have melanoma, it wouldn’t be a big deal and most likely we would wait it out to see what comes of it. But because my Doctors want to be proactive and keep ahead of the cancer, we are doing scans. One of melanoma’s favorite places to spread is the brain, which causes dizziness and nausea. But so does about fifty other things.
Bottom line, I am doing ok, and life is good, just a little fuzzy right now. Oh and Morgan is playing soccer we have some video, as soon as I figure out how to cut it into small pieces I will put some up.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Doc: Andy we have some bad news for you.
Andy: Ok Doc what is it I can take it.
Doc: Well it’s really not good news.
Andy: Well Doc, you’ve already told me I was going to die once. How much worse can it get than that?
Doc: You might have another tumor, this time in your brain.
Andy: If there is a tumor, wouldn’t that mean we caught it early?
Doc: yes.
Andy: So we can treat a small tumor right?
Doc: Yes.
Andy: So where is the bad news? We might have a tumor, but if we do it is treatable, I am having a hard time seeing the not goodness here.
My conversations don’t really go like this, my doctors are awesome and are always upbeat. I have only had one doctor tell me that I might not make it, and that was a long time ago. After scans, that doctor changed their tune as well.
All in all, cancer is not a fun thing to have. Treatments cause side-effects, cancer causes side-effects, and stress causes side-effects. All of which I have, but I will only admit to two of them, which in turn increases the side-effects of the third.
But I have been having some problems lately with dizziness and nausea. If I didn’t have melanoma, it wouldn’t be a big deal and most likely we would wait it out to see what comes of it. But because my Doctors want to be proactive and keep ahead of the cancer, we are doing scans. One of melanoma’s favorite places to spread is the brain, which causes dizziness and nausea. But so does about fifty other things.
Bottom line, I am doing ok, and life is good, just a little fuzzy right now. Oh and Morgan is playing soccer we have some video, as soon as I figure out how to cut it into small pieces I will put some up.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Pain, stress, and getting your tricycle kicked in the ditch. I know, a typical day for anyone.
This may sound odd, but this is a good day, and I am happy to be a part of it. It is strange how when you get a chance to realize that we truly are mortals, it only lasts a short time (in perspective). I am feeling a lot better than I was last year at this time. My energy level is up, I am not in near as much pain, just annoying things going on, like not being able to wear a shirt because my radiated skin hurts (don’t worry Alan, I won’t post a picture). I don’t think anyone would appreciate me wandering around the country-side topless. Other than that I am doing exceptionally well.
We went dove hunting the other day, yes I kill little birdies and eat them; because they taste good, that’s why. Anyway, no doves so far this year, they all just disappeared, maybe because they knew I wanted to eat them. I will keep my eyes open for some more legal fowl to hunt and eat.
I don’t know what else to tell you, other than we are all doing well, having the same problems that you all have, school, work, family, you know, that thing called life. We laugh when we can, cry when we must, and try not to whine. In the words of the genius Red Green, “ remember, I’m pulling for you, we’re all in this together.”
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love your friend Andy
We went dove hunting the other day, yes I kill little birdies and eat them; because they taste good, that’s why. Anyway, no doves so far this year, they all just disappeared, maybe because they knew I wanted to eat them. I will keep my eyes open for some more legal fowl to hunt and eat.
I don’t know what else to tell you, other than we are all doing well, having the same problems that you all have, school, work, family, you know, that thing called life. We laugh when we can, cry when we must, and try not to whine. In the words of the genius Red Green, “ remember, I’m pulling for you, we’re all in this together.”
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love your friend Andy
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Have you ever had deja vu?
Well, we made it. Sort of. If surviving the first week of school(for the kids), going back to work(with kids), and ending a long series of radiation treatments making it, I guess we did okay. I was thinking that we would just go back to the schedule we had before summer vacation and things would be calmer, quieter, and more stable. Boy am I delusional. This has been the week from... I won't end that sentence. I think you can put in any expletives that you feel would be appropriate.
As I went back to work in the elementary school, I found that what I left in June was waiting for me with gusto, just the only difference is location. And trying to help my kids through the whole shift of new schools has made me learn more patience. Andy finished his treatments at Huntsman and has a break until we have scans again in October.
We really didn't slow down or stabilize. In fact, we have cranked it up. My classes at WSU for this semester have turned into my worst nightmares. Let me think about this, math is frustrating and difficult. Public speaking is HORRIFYING!! Yes, that's right I have public speaking as one of my classes. This was an accident. I thought I was signing up for interpersonal communication. What I got is PUBLIC SPEAKING. What have I done. Don't answer that.
Morgan has soccer on Tue.,Thurs., Fri., and Saturday. On Wednesday the girls have music lessons in Logan, then we scream home to make it to Young Women's just in time. I have scholarship meetings on Friday and gathering time (public speaking class) on Tues. We all have homework, housework, yard work, and have I said we are fixing the fascia on the house this weekend, and possibly painting the house as well.
Okay we are over doing things. Oh well, that's where the deja vu comes into view. I feel like we are exactly where we were in the spring. Crazy schedule and chaos surrounding us. There a platypus controlling me...what...a platypus controlling me...gotta stop...don't stop...
As I went back to work in the elementary school, I found that what I left in June was waiting for me with gusto, just the only difference is location. And trying to help my kids through the whole shift of new schools has made me learn more patience. Andy finished his treatments at Huntsman and has a break until we have scans again in October.
We really didn't slow down or stabilize. In fact, we have cranked it up. My classes at WSU for this semester have turned into my worst nightmares. Let me think about this, math is frustrating and difficult. Public speaking is HORRIFYING!! Yes, that's right I have public speaking as one of my classes. This was an accident. I thought I was signing up for interpersonal communication. What I got is PUBLIC SPEAKING. What have I done. Don't answer that.
Morgan has soccer on Tue.,Thurs., Fri., and Saturday. On Wednesday the girls have music lessons in Logan, then we scream home to make it to Young Women's just in time. I have scholarship meetings on Friday and gathering time (public speaking class) on Tues. We all have homework, housework, yard work, and have I said we are fixing the fascia on the house this weekend, and possibly painting the house as well.
Okay we are over doing things. Oh well, that's where the deja vu comes into view. I feel like we are exactly where we were in the spring. Crazy schedule and chaos surrounding us. There a platypus controlling me...what...a platypus controlling me...gotta stop...don't stop...
Friday, August 19, 2011
What's up?
Andy said I needed to write a blog to update everyone about our life. I thought my lame attempt at screenwriting did a good job. However, I will write a boring and correct estimation of our life at this point. (Deep breath in and deep breath out)Here we go. Andy has been doing radiation treatments for the new (little)tumor under his collar bone that is in a lymph node. We leave every morning at 6 to be down to Huntsman by 7:50 so Andy can lay on a machine and be baked like a large potato in a microwave. Oh sorry, I need to write a boring explanation ignore the last comment about potatoes. Andy is radiated for about 20 min. then we leave and drive home by 10. We have done this since the 1st of August and will continue until the end of August. Andy then takes a nap during the trip down to Huntsman, on the way home from Huntsman, and when we get home for about an hour or so. If he isn't in pain or sick, he then goes into work for a couple of hours. On Thursday he made it for a whole 4 hours. I was really amazed and proud of him (I'm not kidding about this).This treatment has taken a toll on his energy level. He sleeps most of the day and night. The docs told him to try to exercise for 15 min a day to help combat the fatigue. So he has started to do a low impact kettlebell exercise program. I think this is great. I don't know if it is really helping but we will try anything. We will be done with this treatment schedule on the 29th of this month. Just in time for my fall semester, job, and the kids schools all to begin. I did take a couple of classes this summer. They were 7 week block classes. That was the fastest, craziest, and non educational semester I have ever taken. The kids are excited and ready for school to start for them. They all go to new schools this year. Morgan is in the intermediate. Caity is in the middle school, and Shaeli is at the high school. I can't believe that last sentence! Is that real? Alas, it is. My babies are almost as tall as me and growing daily. I don't know if I am ready for school to start for them. I never cried when they started kindergarten but I may cry this year. They are so big and grown up in so many ways. They are my encouragement, pride, beauty, and heart. I am amazed at their whole beings. They are everything I wish I was and they make me strive for better things in this world everyday. Andy is my half that makes me a whole. My kids are my hope and joy. I have to leave this blog with a comment that Morgan made yesterday while we were eating at Wendy's.
Morgan: "If you're called a vegetarian because you don't like to eat meat. Are you a meatetarian if you don't like to eat veggies?"
Out of the mouth of babes.
Morgan: "If you're called a vegetarian because you don't like to eat meat. Are you a meatetarian if you don't like to eat veggies?"
Out of the mouth of babes.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The tale of Sleeping Beauty: act 1
Setting: Early morning before dawn the alarm clock rings out loudly as a second alarm from a smart phone rings also. Sleepy Andy and Peggy both reach out to turn off the alarms.
and... scene.
Andy: UGHH!!
Peggy: Here we go again.
(Peggy gets out of bed and takes a shower, meanwhile Andy turns over and falls asleep.)
Peggy: (singing)What's up pussy cat, whoa, whoa, whoa, whawhoa...
(Peggy get's out of the shower and enters the bedroom to find Andy snoring.)
Peggy: Andy you need to get up. You're gonna make us late. It's already 5:45.
Andy: zzzz
Peggy: Dear I've been thinking about buying a boat. I feel that we need something for us as a family to do something that we enjoyed when we were younger. It might be the thing to help motivate you to get in shape.(quietly under her breath she says)that way the boat doesn't have to be a cruise liner to get your butt out of the water.
Andy: Wahd ya saying?
Peggy: Hurry get into the shower!
(After a quick shower and getting dressed, Andy and Peggy are off to Salt Lake to Huntsman. In the car listening to radio Peggy looks over at Andy who is fast asleep)
(Peggy has an idea to subconsciously plant the idea about the boat to Andy while he sleeps. She gets the ideas from one of her psychology classes she took during summer semester.)
Peggy: So...remember when we were first married and we went boating every morning and evening. That was great. Us and our friends, we were crazy. So...the boat thing would be fun. I would like an inboard type. We don't have to water ski the first year, just putt around the dams and teach the kids water safety.
Andy: Hmmm.
(Later after radiation treatments and on the way home from Salt Lake Andy is again sleeping and Peggy continues with the boat strategy.)
Peggy: Can you imagine how cool our kids would be with their friends if we had a boat. We could invite them to a weekend thing with us, maybe borrow one of our parents trailers and camp at Willard Bay then boat around all day. That would be fun.
Andy: zzzz...Hmmm...
(Finally at home. Andy and Peggy pull into the drive and Andy wakes up.)
Peggy: Well one more treatment down. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow.
Andy:(yawning) Yeah... (walking into the house Andy stops and turns to Peggy) I had the craziest dreams today.
Peggy: You did?
Andy: Yeah... I think we need to buy a boat.
(Andy walks into the house. Peggy giggles.)
and... scene.
Andy: UGHH!!
Peggy: Here we go again.
(Peggy gets out of bed and takes a shower, meanwhile Andy turns over and falls asleep.)
Peggy: (singing)What's up pussy cat, whoa, whoa, whoa, whawhoa...
(Peggy get's out of the shower and enters the bedroom to find Andy snoring.)
Peggy: Andy you need to get up. You're gonna make us late. It's already 5:45.
Andy: zzzz
Peggy: Dear I've been thinking about buying a boat. I feel that we need something for us as a family to do something that we enjoyed when we were younger. It might be the thing to help motivate you to get in shape.(quietly under her breath she says)that way the boat doesn't have to be a cruise liner to get your butt out of the water.
Andy: Wahd ya saying?
Peggy: Hurry get into the shower!
(After a quick shower and getting dressed, Andy and Peggy are off to Salt Lake to Huntsman. In the car listening to radio Peggy looks over at Andy who is fast asleep)
(Peggy has an idea to subconsciously plant the idea about the boat to Andy while he sleeps. She gets the ideas from one of her psychology classes she took during summer semester.)
Peggy: So...remember when we were first married and we went boating every morning and evening. That was great. Us and our friends, we were crazy. So...the boat thing would be fun. I would like an inboard type. We don't have to water ski the first year, just putt around the dams and teach the kids water safety.
Andy: Hmmm.
(Later after radiation treatments and on the way home from Salt Lake Andy is again sleeping and Peggy continues with the boat strategy.)
Peggy: Can you imagine how cool our kids would be with their friends if we had a boat. We could invite them to a weekend thing with us, maybe borrow one of our parents trailers and camp at Willard Bay then boat around all day. That would be fun.
Andy: zzzz...Hmmm...
(Finally at home. Andy and Peggy pull into the drive and Andy wakes up.)
Peggy: Well one more treatment down. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow.
Andy:(yawning) Yeah... (walking into the house Andy stops and turns to Peggy) I had the craziest dreams today.
Peggy: You did?
Andy: Yeah... I think we need to buy a boat.
(Andy walks into the house. Peggy giggles.)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Radiation Shmadiation
For the last few days I have been receiving radiation, which will continue through the month of August. It has been kicking my butt a lot harder than I expected this early on. But there is some good news. I now have another seven tattoos. That brings me to eight, total. Ha, Scott, how many do you have? I am turning into quite the rebel. Maybe I will even get my ear pierced. Oh wait I’ve already had a hole in my ear, and it took a bunch of surgeries to get it fixed. So, no piercings.
Ok a little confession. I am not a rebel. (Don’t tell Scott though.)
Apart from the hot (ok burning) feeling in my chest, and the exhaustion, I am doing great.
The drive to Salt Lake everyday is getting old fast, and its only been 4 days so far. Tomorrow is my last one for the week. Then I get to do it all over again next week, and the week after that, and then some more. But the end result is possibly having my new tumor dead, I am more than happy to make the drive every day.
On the upside, the people I have talked to so far doing radiation have all lost weight, which is something I need to do. So in a nutshell, radiation, heat, tired and lots of travel.
Oh, Peggy, and the kids are doing great. This is the last week of school for Peggy, finals week. So say a special prayer for her. (she has tests tomorrow and Saturday).
you can watch a video of a glimpse of our family party here:
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy
Ok a little confession. I am not a rebel. (Don’t tell Scott though.)
Apart from the hot (ok burning) feeling in my chest, and the exhaustion, I am doing great.
The drive to Salt Lake everyday is getting old fast, and its only been 4 days so far. Tomorrow is my last one for the week. Then I get to do it all over again next week, and the week after that, and then some more. But the end result is possibly having my new tumor dead, I am more than happy to make the drive every day.
On the upside, the people I have talked to so far doing radiation have all lost weight, which is something I need to do. So in a nutshell, radiation, heat, tired and lots of travel.
Oh, Peggy, and the kids are doing great. This is the last week of school for Peggy, finals week. So say a special prayer for her. (she has tests tomorrow and Saturday).
you can watch a video of a glimpse of our family party here:
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy
Thursday, July 21, 2011
What a pain in the ..... Lungs?
Ok, so its been a while, but only a little while. I did some research, and it turns out, we are pretty active blogger. I will be the first to admit that we have definitely slowed our blogging, on a good note, you are not getting short updates that are only one or two lines. So it could be worse. Oh, wait a minute I was going to update you on the goings on of the Layne family.
So here it is untamed and uncut, just like on Animal Planet. K, two tumors are "non-visible" one shrank another 50%, and I have a new little buddy, in my clavicular area. I don't know where they come up with these crazy words. (I really do but wanted to say that).
So for those of you who would like it a little more tamed and a lot more "cut?". Anyway, sorry about the sad attempt at humor. We met with the oncologist yesterday, and we had a great news, not so good news scenario. The great news is that two of the three tumors, including the largest are no longer "visible." That means the scan I had did not detect any cancer there. (and it can detect really tiny cancer pieces) The other good news is that the remaining tumor has shrunk close to 50 percent more. which means they shrunk 30 percent the first time, and 50 percent the second time so it is about 35% of what we started out with. I know crazy math. pay attention, later there might be a quiz.
Now for the not good news, the remaining tumor wanted a little buddy I guess. and its hard to say no to a tu mor year old, he he he, ok really bad pun there. 6mm X 7mm, so not too big. The not too big actually limits treatment options. Where I have already had success with Ipilimumab (ipi) in the past I would be a candidate for another round of treatment. But with this small of a tumor it is kind of an overkill. So back to the radiologist we go, which is where we were today.
Ok break for some heart to heart. The Lord has really watched out for me lately, especially yesterday. While trying to co-ordinate my future scans, appointments and labs, we tried to get an appointment with the radiologist. My next already scheduled appointment is Sept 1st, not soon enough to deal with the aggressiveness of melanoma. So with vacations for the summer and getting current patients follow ups done, the soonest they could get me in was the end of august, not good. Keep in mind this was done with one scheduler to another, they were doing the best they could, but it was getting confusing with the questions they were asking me so I just went downstairs to get everything done in person. Which worked out really well for me, I had only been there a couple of minutes when the radiologist came up front to the receptionists, how often does that happen?, can you say NEVER!!!!! well we talked with the radiologist she made room for tomorrow and planning on Tuesday.
Today, we met with her. I will be doing radiation everyday for the next 4-5 weeks. I won't try to kid you, I am a little nervous, but this one shouldn't be as bad as the last one. I will have side effects and potential problems, but we are still fighting and we still have options.
Great news NO QUIZ!!
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love Andy
So here it is untamed and uncut, just like on Animal Planet. K, two tumors are "non-visible" one shrank another 50%, and I have a new little buddy, in my clavicular area. I don't know where they come up with these crazy words. (I really do but wanted to say that).
So for those of you who would like it a little more tamed and a lot more "cut?". Anyway, sorry about the sad attempt at humor. We met with the oncologist yesterday, and we had a great news, not so good news scenario. The great news is that two of the three tumors, including the largest are no longer "visible." That means the scan I had did not detect any cancer there. (and it can detect really tiny cancer pieces) The other good news is that the remaining tumor has shrunk close to 50 percent more. which means they shrunk 30 percent the first time, and 50 percent the second time so it is about 35% of what we started out with. I know crazy math. pay attention, later there might be a quiz.
Now for the not good news, the remaining tumor wanted a little buddy I guess. and its hard to say no to a tu mor year old, he he he, ok really bad pun there. 6mm X 7mm, so not too big. The not too big actually limits treatment options. Where I have already had success with Ipilimumab (ipi) in the past I would be a candidate for another round of treatment. But with this small of a tumor it is kind of an overkill. So back to the radiologist we go, which is where we were today.
Ok break for some heart to heart. The Lord has really watched out for me lately, especially yesterday. While trying to co-ordinate my future scans, appointments and labs, we tried to get an appointment with the radiologist. My next already scheduled appointment is Sept 1st, not soon enough to deal with the aggressiveness of melanoma. So with vacations for the summer and getting current patients follow ups done, the soonest they could get me in was the end of august, not good. Keep in mind this was done with one scheduler to another, they were doing the best they could, but it was getting confusing with the questions they were asking me so I just went downstairs to get everything done in person. Which worked out really well for me, I had only been there a couple of minutes when the radiologist came up front to the receptionists, how often does that happen?, can you say NEVER!!!!! well we talked with the radiologist she made room for tomorrow and planning on Tuesday.
Today, we met with her. I will be doing radiation everyday for the next 4-5 weeks. I won't try to kid you, I am a little nervous, but this one shouldn't be as bad as the last one. I will have side effects and potential problems, but we are still fighting and we still have options.
Great news NO QUIZ!!
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love Andy
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I'm too sexy for my shirt........
Ok, weird title for this blog. But fitting in a strange way. For the last couple of weeks I have been having pains in my lungs. On Sunday I admitted that I may need to go back in, I called the Dr. on Monday and ended up in the ER for about 5hrs. Through the process of checking things out, I ended up in my skivvies. I never understand why you almost have to be nekk-ed for the Dr.'s to check out the pain in your chest. I guess your less likely to run away if they have all your clothes, and you are wearing a gown that shows off your tush if you make any sudden movements, let alone, run away. To shorten a story that has ran off track, I am feeling a lot better, and the pain is a result of ....... wait for it....... my cancer. They wanted to keep me for observation, but I told them I didn't like that option, or the option of a CT scan. (after all, I am highly allergic to the ct contrast) so they let me go, I must have been a big enough pain in the butt, they wanted to get rid of me. All kidding aside, they treated me with respect and were very concerned about my well being. We discussed in depth things I should watch for and what to do if certain symptoms arise. So far none (symptoms) have.
Dr. Grossman does however want to see me sooner that we originally scheduled. I guess he misses my awesomeness. or maybe there was talk of me being a problem child, I get those two confused on a regular basis.
Thank you all for your support and prayers, they are still needed and appreciated.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love Andy
Dr. Grossman does however want to see me sooner that we originally scheduled. I guess he misses my awesomeness. or maybe there was talk of me being a problem child, I get those two confused on a regular basis.
Thank you all for your support and prayers, they are still needed and appreciated.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love Andy
Saturday, July 2, 2011
where in the world is ...everyone?
A scene of two individuals that meet each other at a store inquiring about the Layne's.
and... scene!
Person 1: "Hey have you heard from Andy or Peggy lately?"
Person 2: "No. I was just thinking about them this morning. Have you seen them?"
Person 1: "No. It's been awhile. Do you think Andy's still alive?"
Person 2: "Oh I hope so! He still owes me $20."
Person 1: "I haven't seen Peggy either though. Do ya think I should call them? I don't want to bother them."
Person 2: "Maybe. She might have the 20 bucks."
(Person 1 calling on cell phone. beep, beep, beep. ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring,ring)
Person 1: "No one's answering."
Person 2: "Did you call Peggy's cell or Andy's?"
Person 1: "Peggy's, why?"
Person 2: "Peggy never answers her phone. It's always lost or she can't find it in time to answer."
Person 1: "Well, I'm sure their okay. I'll call Andy later."
Person 2: "Ya your right. See ya."
As they walk away person 2 thinks..."I hope Andy didn't spent that $20 on something dumb.
and... scene!
Person 1: "Hey have you heard from Andy or Peggy lately?"
Person 2: "No. I was just thinking about them this morning. Have you seen them?"
Person 1: "No. It's been awhile. Do you think Andy's still alive?"
Person 2: "Oh I hope so! He still owes me $20."
Person 1: "I haven't seen Peggy either though. Do ya think I should call them? I don't want to bother them."
Person 2: "Maybe. She might have the 20 bucks."
(Person 1 calling on cell phone. beep, beep, beep. ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring,ring)
Person 1: "No one's answering."
Person 2: "Did you call Peggy's cell or Andy's?"
Person 1: "Peggy's, why?"
Person 2: "Peggy never answers her phone. It's always lost or she can't find it in time to answer."
Person 1: "Well, I'm sure their okay. I'll call Andy later."
Person 2: "Ya your right. See ya."
As they walk away person 2 thinks..."I hope Andy didn't spent that $20 on something dumb.
Monday, June 13, 2011
simple is best
Andy was going to post something, but he has forgotten again. I really think it is more the fact that his mind has been focused on some news that is not happy. He learned last week that another person with melanoma has passed away. When you hear of someone being diagnosed with cancer your heart naturally goes out to them and their family. But when you hear about someone that has the same cancer as you passing away it takes more than just your heart to get through the news. This woman was young with little kids and a darling husband. She was diagnosed around the same time as Andy, however, it took all of three months for her scans to show no new tumors or growth to showing the disease consuming her entire body. This is the reality of melanoma. You can be showing stability or reduction in the tumors with no new tumors then at your next scan it can show thousands of tumors throughout every organ and the primary tumors increase to an exponential rate of growth. These moments when we hear of someone with melanoma passing away always sends Andy into a tail spin. It reminds us of limited time, and the difficulty of planning a future. Goals become things of months or if we are daring a year, never 5 years or ten or...
So you ask, "how do you do it?"
You focus on what is important. Family, friends, community, and be thankful for what you have now, health, home, God.Which brings me to yesterday. We attended church (which was Stake Conference for us), and then after prepared for Andy's family to come over for the monthly 2nd Sunday dinner. It was fun, however, we missed those that were not able to come. We did really enjoy having Evans and his wonderful daughters come. Sophie is two and adorable. Kara is four and knows her own mind. Kara took our dog Baler for a walk while Sophie and I meandered down the road. They both got to ride on our horse and laugh as the turkeys. Seeing the world through their eyes is always intoxicating. Our kids are growing so fast. I have to remind myself to stop and enjoy where my kids are at in their life. Simple pleasures, simple times are always best.
So you ask, "how do you do it?"
You focus on what is important. Family, friends, community, and be thankful for what you have now, health, home, God.Which brings me to yesterday. We attended church (which was Stake Conference for us), and then after prepared for Andy's family to come over for the monthly 2nd Sunday dinner. It was fun, however, we missed those that were not able to come. We did really enjoy having Evans and his wonderful daughters come. Sophie is two and adorable. Kara is four and knows her own mind. Kara took our dog Baler for a walk while Sophie and I meandered down the road. They both got to ride on our horse and laugh as the turkeys. Seeing the world through their eyes is always intoxicating. Our kids are growing so fast. I have to remind myself to stop and enjoy where my kids are at in their life. Simple pleasures, simple times are always best.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The ear piercing music that my beautiful daughter makes
Today was Caity's first private lesson for violin. She has had orchestra for 2 years. However, she has refused until now to have singular lessons. She came right home and practiced. I love my kids and I am proud of their accomplishments. I want them to find themselves in the music that surrounds them. Shaeli took piano for a year when she was 8 years old and hated it. So, Andy offered to teach her beginner guitar. Shaeli surpassed him quickly, so we found a teacher to help her develop her love of the guitar. She now is an amazing guitarist. We will have to record some of her work and put it on the blog for you to hear.
Caitly didn't want anything to do with the guitar or piano. She actually had some violin when she was in 4th grade through an after school program. She loved it and so when she entered intermediate school she took orchestra. Now she is entering 8th grade this coming fall and she wants to improve her skills.
Morgan is my boy. And being such he has always wanted to learn the drums. Drums is an instrument that Andy and I have no experience with. So we told him that when he goes into 6th grade he can take band and learn percussion. Then if he does well we will find a drum teacher for him. I have to mention the level of difficulty we have had over the last 3 years in finding a drum teacher. Morgan is now going into 6th grade this fall and signed up for band. I hope I can find someone that teaches drums or I will be up a creek. I have to admit I am not really looking forward to the sound of drums coming from my house. The window shakes when Andy and Shaeli turn up the volume with the guitars. Can you image what is going to happen when Morgan gets a drum. I need some aspirin just thinking about it.
Caitly didn't want anything to do with the guitar or piano. She actually had some violin when she was in 4th grade through an after school program. She loved it and so when she entered intermediate school she took orchestra. Now she is entering 8th grade this coming fall and she wants to improve her skills.
Morgan is my boy. And being such he has always wanted to learn the drums. Drums is an instrument that Andy and I have no experience with. So we told him that when he goes into 6th grade he can take band and learn percussion. Then if he does well we will find a drum teacher for him. I have to mention the level of difficulty we have had over the last 3 years in finding a drum teacher. Morgan is now going into 6th grade this fall and signed up for band. I hope I can find someone that teaches drums or I will be up a creek. I have to admit I am not really looking forward to the sound of drums coming from my house. The window shakes when Andy and Shaeli turn up the volume with the guitars. Can you image what is going to happen when Morgan gets a drum. I need some aspirin just thinking about it.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Andy is a dork!
Yes, I have finally decided to blog the big ugly truth. Andy is a dork!
I did it. I know you all had the knowledge, but now it is said. We have had a crazy weekend, as I have told, but Andy woke this morning with his body in pain and stomach hurting. Let's see here. He consumed enough shredded pork, teriyaki chicken, pudding cake, and rice to kill a Hawaiian. He wrestled a nephew for 5 min. He instigated a dodge ball game, and behaved similar to a baboon all weekend. I just can't figure why he wouldn't feel well. If you can't hear the sarcasm in this blog, then you haven't met or know me. I know I should be happy with the fact that Andy did so much, yet when he then whines like a tired toddler on a Monday when I have a crap load of things to accomplish, it rides on my nerves and tries my patience. Okay, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Positive thoughts in, negative thoughts out. Ahhhh. I feel better, how about you? See, you can endure all things with faith and hope and love.
I did it. I know you all had the knowledge, but now it is said. We have had a crazy weekend, as I have told, but Andy woke this morning with his body in pain and stomach hurting. Let's see here. He consumed enough shredded pork, teriyaki chicken, pudding cake, and rice to kill a Hawaiian. He wrestled a nephew for 5 min. He instigated a dodge ball game, and behaved similar to a baboon all weekend. I just can't figure why he wouldn't feel well. If you can't hear the sarcasm in this blog, then you haven't met or know me. I know I should be happy with the fact that Andy did so much, yet when he then whines like a tired toddler on a Monday when I have a crap load of things to accomplish, it rides on my nerves and tries my patience. Okay, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Positive thoughts in, negative thoughts out. Ahhhh. I feel better, how about you? See, you can endure all things with faith and hope and love.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Party on Wayne...Party on Garth...Party on Andy?

This was an insane day. We played hookie from church today. I know, I know, sinners. Anyway, we remembered it is our weekend to go and mow grandma Andrew's lawn and with the luau festivities we plum forgot. So, off we went after lunch (leftovers from last nights luau. Yummm). It is always good to see Great-grandma Andrew. It reminds me why it is important to take care of the elderly. She was in fin
e form today, after we left she told Dennis (Andy's dad) that we left because one of our daughters
was ran over by the truck. Don't panic no one was ran over. She heard the kids fighting about a spider in the truck and in her mind she thought that one of the girls leg was shut in the truck door and then ran over. All is well. Grannie Andrew doesn't have the entire stack of wood in the wood shed, if you know what I mean. However, we love to hear about all her adventures and stories that come from her mind. We came home and enjoyed a quite late afternoon, until...Andy decided to have a dodge ball game in the backyard. The pics are of the game, enjoy!

We have a visitor with us for a short time. My little nephew Chase is staying with us until his parents come back from a 4 day trip. He seems to be happy about the arrangement. His mom called to talk to him and his response was, "I don't want to talk with her". Gotta love 5 year olds.

I hope everyone's weekend was a party like ours. Remember we love you all. Thank you for your support and prayers. PARTY ON!!!
The title of this blogs name is Hawaiian for a fish. It was told to me that this is the smallest fish with the biggest name.
We had a great time last night, I hope everyone else did too. Yesterday we celebrated Joel and Zina (Z'eye' na)'s 50th wedding anniversary. We had the Pauni family come and did the catering
and the program. It was a blast. The grandkids all played their instruments, and I even sang a few songs. There was one part where they brought people up from the audience to do the "fruit salad" dance. Bonnie and Matt, my neice and nephew, got to dance, along with Chuck and Marta.
They did awesome, I was laughing so hard, I ended up needing my abuterol (athsma medicine), and I didn't bring it. But it was so worth it. So for those of you who were concerned at my coughing, I am ok. A little breathing treatment and I was fine. All and all it was a great night with lots of friends family and laughs.

Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Andy Layne
Saturday, May 28, 2011
good times
Last night we went to Andy's parents for a hot dog roast. It was great. Denny Jo, her kids, Candace, and her kids all came. We were having such a good time the neighbors came over to eat as well. We live in a great community where impromptu outdoor meals can be shared with everyone around. I loved playing with little Max. He would toddle around growling, then when you growled back he would run away screaming. It was awesome. Andy has been doing really well. His pleurisy is better, as well as his pheumosis. (I doubt I spelled that right, but oh well) Someone ask us the other day how we could be so happy while Andy still has cancer. Our response was, No one knows when they are going to die. We all just need to learn to enjoy and appreciate the time we are given. Andy's cancer is unlikely to go away. We know what will take his life, however we have been given the miracle of a little more time. We are thankful for that. So why be depressed and always sad. I say use your time trying to be happy.(play, sing, laugh, go on adventures.) Life is full of disappointments, frustrations, unhappy people. Don't be one of them. Be optimistic, adventurous, loving, enduring, patient, and kind. It make a difference in the world. It makes a difference in those around us. That is what is important.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Heart melting music
Last night we were able to finally skype with Andy's little brother's wife Tayna and sweet Jonah. We didn't have much time, but the time we were able to see and talk with them was more than worth it. Little Jonah is growing and changing so much it's hard to believe. I should mention they live in Virgina. David is in the military, so they live where the navy tells them to. We miss seeing them and seeing the growth Jonah is making. I have to tell you something funny. Jonah loves music, so Shaeli and Andy played guitar and sang to him. He, however, gave us the concert of a life time. Jonah sang "I've been working on the railroad." He improvised when he got to the part that goes, "someone's in the kitchen with Dina". He sang, "someone's in the kitchen with Auntie Peggy". It was wonderful. I absolutly loved it. Hopefully they will be able to visit in July. Can't wait to hear the song in person. Maybe we will find the music for the guitar so he can sing it with Shaeli.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Gratitude abounds
Through this last year and a half, we have been overwhelmed with the support we have been given. Our family has been a life line of support, which most people would just expect. However, it has been the little things, that have really been welcomed. It is through small things that great things happen. We have witnessed this in our life. Kindness is truly contagious. A smile can uplift and encourage a child, nice words to a teen can help with hope, and a warm hug from friends can stregthen a tired soul. We apprieciate those who volunteered, donated, and came to the fundraiser. The dinner was an overwhelming experience for me. I thought we would have a good turn out, I didn't expect the 300+ that came to show us how much we are loved. Andy has always been an easy person to like. He is energetic, kind, hard working (don't let him know I said that), sympathetic, and willing. He can make anyone feel safe and comfortable. He loves to talk to and entertain others. He is my complete opposite. He loves to meet new people and make lots of friends. I would rather curl up with a classic book and hot cocoa. During our marriage, Andy has helped me to stretch my openess to others, controll my all to sharp tongue, and act on prompting of the spirit without worry of what others may say. I have said before that I have been humbled not by the cancer, but the loving actions of those around me.
The fun run was great to have. Where the dinner was emotionally and overwhelming, the run was full of fun and energy. The location was great. The people were perfect. We were so happy that I doubt anything could have taken that feeling away. I hope that we will be able to have pictures from the events to share on the blog soon. There has been some technical difficulties. So, until next time. Have a lovely day!
Through this last year and a half, we have been overwhelmed with the support we have been given. Our family has been a life line of support, which most people would just expect. However, it has been the little things, that have really been welcomed. It is through small things that great things happen. We have witnessed this in our life. Kindness is truly contagious. A smile can uplift and encourage a child, nice words to a teen can help with hope, and a warm hug from friends can stregthen a tired soul. We apprieciate those who volunteered, donated, and came to the fundraiser. The dinner was an overwhelming experience for me. I thought we would have a good turn out, I didn't expect the 300+ that came to show us how much we are loved. Andy has always been an easy person to like. He is energetic, kind, hard working (don't let him know I said that), sympathetic, and willing. He can make anyone feel safe and comfortable. He loves to talk to and entertain others. He is my complete opposite. He loves to meet new people and make lots of friends. I would rather curl up with a classic book and hot cocoa. During our marriage, Andy has helped me to stretch my openess to others, controll my all to sharp tongue, and act on prompting of the spirit without worry of what others may say. I have said before that I have been humbled not by the cancer, but the loving actions of those around me.
The fun run was great to have. Where the dinner was emotionally and overwhelming, the run was full of fun and energy. The location was great. The people were perfect. We were so happy that I doubt anything could have taken that feeling away. I hope that we will be able to have pictures from the events to share on the blog soon. There has been some technical difficulties. So, until next time. Have a lovely day!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Trying to recover from a "WILD" weekend
Late nights, early mornings, I have no idea how I did this in my teens. I had to take a nap just to make it to bedtime on Saturday.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
The fundraiser went better than I ever dreamed. Thanks for everyone who showed up, helped, and in general provided support. If I didn't get to talk to you at the dinner, I am sorry, I was really busy that night. I will set up an official thank you page in alphabetical order on the website
Here is what we saw from our vantage point:
Lots of happy people who were patient when we ran out of food at first. Generous people who bid on the auction items. Excited people who were breathing heavy, that participated in the 5k. Very charitable companies and individuals, and how about those volunteers!!!!!! give them a big hand. Without all of them I wouldn't have been able to make this happen.
By Saturday at 3 I was exhausted. Some of you who came to pick up your items may have even caught me in a state of rest laying on the floor.
I do have to say, with equal appreciation for all my volunteers, a special thanks from me and my family need to go to Wendy Stephens, and JaNeal Pollock and their families. They have been helping us out for a long time, and stepped it up to a level I didn't think possible. If you see them, give them a hug from me, or just a pat on the back.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love Andy, Peggy, and all.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
The fundraiser went better than I ever dreamed. Thanks for everyone who showed up, helped, and in general provided support. If I didn't get to talk to you at the dinner, I am sorry, I was really busy that night. I will set up an official thank you page in alphabetical order on the website
Here is what we saw from our vantage point:
Lots of happy people who were patient when we ran out of food at first. Generous people who bid on the auction items. Excited people who were breathing heavy, that participated in the 5k. Very charitable companies and individuals, and how about those volunteers!!!!!! give them a big hand. Without all of them I wouldn't have been able to make this happen.
By Saturday at 3 I was exhausted. Some of you who came to pick up your items may have even caught me in a state of rest laying on the floor.
I do have to say, with equal appreciation for all my volunteers, a special thanks from me and my family need to go to Wendy Stephens, and JaNeal Pollock and their families. They have been helping us out for a long time, and stepped it up to a level I didn't think possible. If you see them, give them a hug from me, or just a pat on the back.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love Andy, Peggy, and all.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
generosity of others
As the time approaches for the fundraiser, I have mixed feelings about it. I admit I am a proud and stubborn person (no comments from the cheap I constantly say to Andy, "We don't need to do this. We can find our way.", then we receive billing statements from Huntsman (University of Utah). Our latest one,that is not going away, is a whopping $62,500 due to some weird thing with billing and the insurance company. Now, let's put this in perspective. Last year, I received our first bill from Huntsman(UoU) for Andy's heart surgery (stint in the artery that goes across the heart), and it was around a do-able price of just under $40,000. With our insurance, we paid around $2,000-3,000. I can't remember exact amounts. Then came the first of several billing statements for the IL2 treatment. Don't pass out people, but it was over $150,000. That was just for the pharmacy (drugs, treatment)not the week stay in the ICU or doctor's. By the time the third billing statement came I was pretty much impervious to the price. With the help of family, friends, and health insurance (and our saving account) we paid around $10,000. Actually a little more but who's counting. So, when we first saw this bill from the radiation treatment we knew that we would be paying around another $10,000 this year with our health care max payout. Well, this alone we could probably suffer through again, but then our doc's reminded us that we would have on going and continued medical bills for the rest of Andy's life. So we face a $10,000 min. bill every year for Andy as long as we have good health care insurance. This also all depends on so many factors I can't list them all. Quite the dilemma huh. Did I mention, we already put out over $2,000 a year for our daughters medical bills for type 1 juvenile diabetes. So I have to say that it is through the love and care of others that I now find myself relying on. I will say that in a short amount of time I have been in the position to see the pure love of Christ and miracles of faith surround me on all sides. One of my favorite passages to read in the scriptures refer to the "tender mercies" the Lord has for us. So when I feel those tender mercies bestowed upon me through others, I am humbled and strengthened. All I can say is, Thank you for these tender mercies, though I know the words are simple the feeling is immense and powerful. I know the Lord will bless everyone who is willing to give so much, not just to us but to anyone in need.
Reminder: May is Melanoma awarness month. Don't forget your sunscreen!
Reminder: May is Melanoma awarness month. Don't forget your sunscreen!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Cautiously Optimistic
As some of you may have guessed I had more scans recently, this was to see how the tumors are doing. We also had the meeting with the doctor to let us know the results of the scans. Let me preface this by saying we will be going back every three months for follow up scans. The tumors have shrunk by 30%. The doctor told us this is the best that we could have expected. He also warned us that we are not out of the woods yet. But to enjoy the good news. So, HOORAY!!!!.
We are busy getting ready for the fundraiser in two weeks, and I almost forgot. Peggy officially passed her math class. Another big HOORAY!!!!! We are excited and exhausted with this new bit of information. I have also been able to stop taking several medicines because my endocrine system is functioning on its own, and has recovered from the Ipilimumab treatment. While this is good, my pleurisy is back and it is messing with my sleep patterns. The Dr. said it will take a couple of weeks to get out of my system.
Anyway, good news, and happiness for at least 3 months. So Party time, and we will hopefully see you at the dinner on the 13th.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
We are busy getting ready for the fundraiser in two weeks, and I almost forgot. Peggy officially passed her math class. Another big HOORAY!!!!! We are excited and exhausted with this new bit of information. I have also been able to stop taking several medicines because my endocrine system is functioning on its own, and has recovered from the Ipilimumab treatment. While this is good, my pleurisy is back and it is messing with my sleep patterns. The Dr. said it will take a couple of weeks to get out of my system.
Anyway, good news, and happiness for at least 3 months. So Party time, and we will hopefully see you at the dinner on the 13th.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
What a week!
While Andy was laughing silly at a kid stuck in a car with is brother and sister, I was stuck in Ogden taking my last final for the semester. I think I would have rather been the kid. This week was a roller coaster of insanity. It started with my math final, continued with soccor, guitar auditions, guitar lessons, a dinner at chuck-a-rama, scans, and ended with another final. I really don't know where to start explaining. I guess with the exciting and glorious news that I passed my math final and the class itself. NO MORE MATH CLASSES!! My stress level didn't lessen, however, Shaeli had an audition for the high school jazz band. I think I was more a mess on that day than with my final. Having your child go through things is way more difficult to endure than going through it yourself. She doesn't feel as though she made the cut. That's okay, she tried something that was new and out of her normal things. It is good stretching yourself and seeing how far you can go. I am so proud of her, she even said she would try out again next year. We had a great time on Thursday after Shae's lessons. We decided to take the kids to Chuck-a-rama in Logan. We were stuffed full and having a great time laughing at everything. On Friday, Andy went down to SLC for scans. Hey, did I mention no more math classes. These scans should give us a good understanding of how the radiation treatments affected the tumors. I have to admit Andy and I have reservations about getting the results. We have been doing quite well lately. Nothing will be normal or back to what it was, but it has been good. Lately, I have had to explain to people that life is possible between death and remission when dealing with cancer. Andy may never see a true remission from his cancer, however, until his heart and lungs no longer function, there is life. You modify it to the best you can and enjoy every moment you can. That doesn't mean you don't feel overwhelmed and frustrated. It also doesn't mean you can't laugh and play. I really wish everyone was able to look through my eyes for a week. Then maybe you would see that cancer doesn't have to take away good things. Did I tell you that I passed my math class? You do mourn for the life you had visualized in your head and even somethings that are now really not possible, but you value the time and love you share around you. Well, to end this week I had another final. So I am completely worn out. I have a two week break from WSU then summer semester starts. I don't have to take a math class, I might actually enjoy college(I won't hold my breath). I end this chaotic blog post with I PASSED MATH!!! Miracles do happen, you just have to have faith. That really goes for more than math. We love you all. Happy Easter.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Quick Trip to Logan
Ok, I haven't posted in a while, thanks Peg for taking up the slack. I have been working on the fundraiser and working, and doing other stuff, boy this sounded a lot better in my head.
Anyway, I took the girls with me to Logan today to get some donations for the fundraiser and get some stuff they needed to make some bookmarks. while I was waiting for them in the parking lot of Micheal's, a car a few stalls over had some kids in it with the windows down. When all of the sudden one of the kids in the back started screaming bloody murder, the older one (maybe 10) asked what was wrong, but the smaller sibling just kept crying. He asked if the little one was hurt, they said no, asked if he was hungry, the little one said no. The older brother kept asking questions to see what the problems was, then finally asked, well whats wrong then? And the little one screamed at him, and his sister, THEY LEFT ME WITH BOTH OF YOU!!!!! and proceeded to let out more crying screams. I almost laughed myself silly. This is stuff you just can't make up. When the mom came back the little one started saying how mean his brother and sister were to him, she didn't buy into it. But it was entertaining for me.
We have been getting some really cool donations. Both Utah State and BYU have donated basketballs signed by the 2010-2011 teams, USU also donated a ball signed by "Wild Bill." Along with various other items, and more coming everyday. We will soon have them up on the previously posted website so you can look the items over.
I am really grateful to all the people who are helping and making this happen. I have to look at it as one task at a time or it is really overwhelming. But with all the support, love, and encouragement this will be a function to remember. We will be having a couple of bands come and perform at the dinner, so if you are feeling in the mood, if there is room we will put a place for dancers, no table dancers though, the ceiling is too low.
Thanks for all the prayers, assistance, and support. We pray for you all daily.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love, Andy
Anyway, I took the girls with me to Logan today to get some donations for the fundraiser and get some stuff they needed to make some bookmarks. while I was waiting for them in the parking lot of Micheal's, a car a few stalls over had some kids in it with the windows down. When all of the sudden one of the kids in the back started screaming bloody murder, the older one (maybe 10) asked what was wrong, but the smaller sibling just kept crying. He asked if the little one was hurt, they said no, asked if he was hungry, the little one said no. The older brother kept asking questions to see what the problems was, then finally asked, well whats wrong then? And the little one screamed at him, and his sister, THEY LEFT ME WITH BOTH OF YOU!!!!! and proceeded to let out more crying screams. I almost laughed myself silly. This is stuff you just can't make up. When the mom came back the little one started saying how mean his brother and sister were to him, she didn't buy into it. But it was entertaining for me.
We have been getting some really cool donations. Both Utah State and BYU have donated basketballs signed by the 2010-2011 teams, USU also donated a ball signed by "Wild Bill." Along with various other items, and more coming everyday. We will soon have them up on the previously posted website so you can look the items over.
I am really grateful to all the people who are helping and making this happen. I have to look at it as one task at a time or it is really overwhelming. But with all the support, love, and encouragement this will be a function to remember. We will be having a couple of bands come and perform at the dinner, so if you are feeling in the mood, if there is room we will put a place for dancers, no table dancers though, the ceiling is too low.
Thanks for all the prayers, assistance, and support. We pray for you all daily.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love, Andy
New Website
We have a new website for the fundraiser. It is under development but there is some stuff there now. If you get a chance check it out.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Math,math, more math please!
I have to let you in on a little secret. When you do so much math practice when studying for a math final, you start to dream about math problems. I guess it's more of a nightmare. I am actually writing this to avoid doing more math. My final for the class is coming up next week. I admit that I don't really have a lot of confidence in this class. I read the chapters and do the examples, yet I don't feel as though it is sinking in well enough. My professor is allowing us to take one 3x5 card in for a cheat sheet. One little puny card is not enough help to cover all 8 units we have done through the semester. I know I sound whinny. Sorry. I am not giving up. I just want the torture to end. What is worse I need to pass this class really badly. This would be my last math class. What a thought, can you imagine, a semester without math. I can see it now...reading textbooks that have don't contain a quadratic function or the number e (e? seriously did they run out of numbers? I thought number are eternal with no end), or why the r-controlled value affects the x-value negatively and find the least square with the standard deviation. What a glorious day. Can you see it, can you? Share the vision. Ahh...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ahh family...(peggy)
This blog is dedicated to my mom, who is always saying I need to write down funny things that happen to the kids to preserve the memory. So, I begin with Morgan. While Morgan and I drive to school every morning, we talk about things that are happening at school, home, friends etc. One morning, we were talking about how when he is in the older grades, Andy and I expect him to be involved with extra curricular things (band, sports,etc.). I bring up the topic of sports and let him know that we would support him if he would like to do football (I love football). He replies with, "I don't want to play football. I don't wanna mess up all of this." (he was pointing toward his face) What...I was speechless, then laughed hysterical. He was serious. How do you respond? Next, Shaeli, she is always pointing out the obvious. While going to girls camp with her leaders and fellow Young Women, she exclaims as she looks at the scenery around them, "wow look at that tree. It's sticking out of the ground!!" Oh, Shaeli. In her defense the tree was horizontal to the ground. The others didn't see the tree at first. Good laugh. Now for Caity, she was the lovely child who asked my mother, "If I count all your wrinkles will I know your age?". Sweet child. But, I digress, my real story for this funny blog happened on Sunday morning to my mom. As my nephew's chickens run around outside on the loose and not wanting to coroporate. Amy, my sister, was attempting to catch a run-away chicken in her pj's that showed more than what my mom was comfortable with. So, she insists that my sister take her robe to cover up. Now let me explain they are all outside in the wide, wide world during this escapade. That isn't the funny part. What is funny is my mom gave up her robe while wearing nothing but her undies underneath. Yes, that is right, mom streaked across the yard. My religous, well behaved, upstanding citizen mom showed her stuff to the neighborhood. Right on mom!! I hope one day she will forgive me for writing down these funny yet embarrising moment, but I have to remind her that she told me to write things down. She just never said where. LOVE YOU MOM!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Fundraiser Flyer
Friday, April 1, 2011
More info on Fundraiser
The fundraiser is set for the weekend of May 13th and 14th. On Friday the 13th, we will be having a dinner/silent auction at the Tremonton Senior Center, time will be announced later. On the following morning there will be a 5k walk/run at the Heritage Center in Cache Valley. Starting at 8am. Registration information will be posted as soon as it is available.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Latest insights and Fundraiser info.
It has been a while since I blogged, sorry about that. I cannot tell a lie. Part of the reason I haven't blogged in a while is I had a hard time sharing how things were going, after Clyde passed away. It was harder on my than I thought it would be. But, the attitude he had, helps me have a stronger desire to fight this and beat it. He was a good man and a great friend, I will miss him dearly. He was one person who knew exactly what I was going through. My prayers and thoughts go to his wonderful wife, kids and grandkids. I heard a new book being advertised on the radio the other day titled "Created for greater things." The premise of this book, (I think) is how we have been created for a greater purpose and achievements than we have any idea of. I think I will read this book. Anyway, it got me thinking that focusing on what I can do and what I would like to be able to do, is where my energy should be. Since I started doing this, I have emotionally turned a corner, I have been a lot happier, more confident in my future, and dare I say, even a little more optimistic of the long term future for my family. So once again I say, Bring it on! I am ready and willing!! I will progress, I will grow, and I will achieve my dreams and help all those around me as best I can to achieve their dreams as well. On another note: With help, I have been working on a fundraiser. We have some dates, Friday May 13th, dinner and auction, Saturday May 14th, a 5k fun run/walk. So we are looking for volunteers, to help with the fundraiser and volunteers to get donations for the silent auction, and for the walk/run. If you are interested in what you can do, please send me an email at Thanks for all that you do for us. We hope you can feel our love and appreciation. May your day be happy, and smiley. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day. Love Andy.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
spring is springing
I am in a mood for spring/summer! I think we all are. This week we have had ups and downs, just like the roller coasters at Disney World. If you have read the past blog, you know about our downs, but let me tell you of our ups. Shae and Caity celebrated their birthday's and we had a blast doing so. Thursday, after guitar we all went to our favorite sandwich shop that we only visit once in a blue moon because it is soooo fattening, but sooo good. Logan's Heros is the best sandwich place ever!!!!! Celebrating birthday's is great. Although seeing your babies grow up is hard. I still see them as the cute little chubby bundles of silliness. Shae was a round ball of chunk that everyone wanted to pinch or cuddle. Caity was her sister's complete opposite. Caity was long and skinny. She had these long monkey fingers that stretched outward. They will probably scream if they knew I wrote this about them. They are not little kids anymore, they are teenagers. Morgan felt a little left out with the birthday singing and cards with money. He will have his turn in a few months. I really hate that time moves so quickly, however, this is one more year to appreciate life and all its wonders. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Our hearts are heavy
We found out last night that a friend has passed away over the weekend. Andy met Clyde while going through treatments in Vegas. They were both on the same cycle and would sit by each other and talk about everything while the drug was administered. I meet Clyde, his lovely wife, and daughter when I went with Andy in November. They were warm and kind. Andy had a connection with Clyde because of the cancer and the treatments they were both experiencing. We knew that Clyde's time on this earth was limited. Melanoma had ravaged his body. Everything from his brain to his colon. When we tell people that Andy has melanoma, most people respond with, "isn't that just skin cancer?". I wish more understood that melanoma attacks the skin then burrows its ugly head into the inner workings of the body. Yes, it is skin cancer but it consumes so much more. The first defense is protection from the sun because it is a trigger for the cancer. Then once it starts with the skin cells it transfers quickly to typically the brain or liver, however, it can and does attach to anything internal. Pancreas, colon, thyroid, esophagus, brain, liver, bones, stomach, lungs. Clyde's melanoma was never caught soon enough to know the primary position of the cancer. It had pitted everywhere and the specialist could not say where it had originated. That is one reason why melanoma is so deadly. It is a terriorist-ic cluster bomb that sneaks up on you. Andy's first diagnosis was 6 years ago. The primary location was on his right ear. Our surgical oncologist (Dr. Noyes) was stunned that the cancer had not spread past the ear. With the amount of time and size it should have consumed most of his upper head and possibly body. With a miracle it had not. Now years later, we are facing the fact that you can not run from melanoma. You truly battle it. Each individual with any form of cancer is battling a war. Each battle is different and each is inspiring. Clyde was a typical Midwesterner. He was strong, brave, and caring. Andy will remember his cancer buddy always. Our hearts go out to the family, especially his wife, kids, and sweet little grand babies he left behind. I hope you will all remember them in your prayers tonight. They will always be in ours.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I have been meaning to blog since Thursday after the appointment down to Huntsman. Andy and I went to Huntsman to meet with Dr. Kokeny (radiation oncologist). Andy had an x-ray then we waiting to meet with the doc. We all looked at the x-ray and she read the radiology report (by the way, the report was still being processed as we were looking at the x-ray). The tumors are still there and the report stated that there was not a significant change in size. Dr. Kokeny was optimistic. I really think she wants to be the one to say "hey, the tumors are shrinking and you are in remission!". She didn't get that chance. The tumors are still there. She did say that Andy should start feeling better as the month continues. Unfortunately, Andy has not been feeling very well. He has not been sick like he has in the past, but he is not up to doing to much. We have been busy like all of you. I hope this blog finds all of you well. Remember we love you and thank you for your love and support.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What's up?
Sorry we haven't written something on the blog as of late, but life seems to continually speed forward even when sometimes we would like it to stop and wait for us to be ready. Andy has been doing okay for what he has been through. He hasn't had the energy or strength that he or I was hoping for, but he is alive and trying to keep going. He has been to work and his goal was to be at work 8 hours for 5 days straight. Well, it's a good goal, however, we are constantly reminded that cancer and the treatments that Andy has completed are really the deciding vote on many issues. A week or two ago Andy wasn't feeling well (mostly coughing and in some pain), so while he was driving to work he called one of our huntsman helpers. Tony told Andy to come all the way down to meet with one of their docs. So, instead of going to work he drove to Huntsman. After x-rays and tests they concluded that Andy needed a special little pearl-like pill that would help alleviate his cough and hopefully stave off a serious side effect of the radiation to his lungs call pleurisy. That is where the lining of the lung pulls away from the lungs. This is a bad thing and could make recover difficult. So Andy and I have continued as always and are just happy that things have not progressed as quickly as statistics say they should. During these last weeks we have tried to work and be normal (ahh... what dreams we have.). Fast forward to this weekend and more importantly today(Wednesday). Andy built a kitchen island over the weekend that seemed to be more physically difficult than we both were thinking. He completed it with all of our help and we thought that we were so clever. Well, this morning Andy woke fairly early (6:20a.m.) and went to work, except as he drove closer to Brigham he felt a stabbing pain that was not improving. So he call me to ask my opinion. I told him to call Hunstman. He turned around and went to Dr. Schow's in Garland instead. He said he didn't think he could make it SLC. Garland was closer and knew Dr. Schow would work him in. After many test (8 vials of blood and EKG and chest x-ray), Dr. Schow told him he probably had acute pleurisy and needed to go home take some pain pills and relax in bed. So, that is where Andy is today drugged and sleeping in bed. I have to tell you something a little funny. Yesterday I texted my mom to come over and see the wonderful island that Andy constructed (he really built it from scratch). In my text to her I mention that it nearly killed Andy to finish this project. I refer to the fact that Andy starts projects but rarely finishes them(I usually have to complete the project, whether I know how or not). Well, I guess we did push the boundaries of his physical limits with recovering from the radiation on this one. You just don't know how much energy and exertion it take to do simple tasks that use to take half the thought until you lose so much. It could have been so much worse than what has transpired and we are thankful that the Lord is looking out for us and our stupidity. I know what you are thinking. "Andy has cancer don't make him do things to hurt or aggravate his condition!" Well, this is what I and Andy think of that. While we still have breath to breathe, so we are going to do just that. Breathe!! I hope that you are all doing well and we want to continue to thank you for all your support. Your prayers are heard and felt. We love you all.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sorry, I'm a slacker
Ok, apologies have been issued, and explanations will ensue. This last while has gone by fast and has been really crazy. I spent an unplanned day in the hospital doing tests, they came back inconclusive. I was having chest pain and it took effort to breath. So after all the tests, I had an choice to make. Either go on steroids, at about 20 times the current dose I was taking, or take a little round pill with no mentionable side effects. So having the aversion to side effects that I do, I went with the little pills. I have done a lot better, but have been having reoccurring killer headaches. But good news on that, they have become less and less painful as time goes on, so they are either going away or I am getting used to them. Coming up is Valentines day, so give your sweetheart a hug, and a nice gift, flower, chocolate, rubies, maybe a diamond, something nice that you both can appreciate. Me, I am giving Peggy nothing but me. And what a great present that is, too bad you all aren't as lucky as her to be having me for a present. ( I hope you can sense the sarcasm here.) I wouldn't put what I was getting her here, she would read it, silly. Ok, If you can tell I am feeling really good at the moment. I have even started to lose some weight. If you find the weight I loss, you can keep it, that's just how generous I am. May the Lord bless and keep you all safe and warm in this chilly, but not freezing weather (check local listings). Merry Christmas and have a lovely day, spring in on the march. he he he.
Love, Andy.
Love, Andy.
Oh I almost forgot, we will be selling shirts for a fund raiser, there is a picture of what they look like. The front says "The fight against Melanoma", the back says "In it to Win it." We are still trying to decide on pricing and
how to order, more news to follow. Thanks to Caity my wonderful Model.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Down and back in a flash

It was another crazy trip to Las Vegas. Thanks to Joel and Zina (Peggy's Mom and Dad) for going with us it was a lot of fun. Went to the Antique mall of America, Its like a big swap meet indoors, with some really neat stuff. We also went to Bass Pro Shop, that was fun too. We met with Dr. Samlowski and Jennifer at the Nevada Cancer Institute. After some discussion, and some silliness, we have decided to keep going down to Vegas for evaluations. Dr. Samlowski is a valuable asset in our fight against cancer, and we highly value his input. So Kallee and Ashley, in the words of Arnold "I'll be back."
We have some good news and some just normal news, no bad news which is good. The good news is, no new tumors and no tumor growth. Where I just finished radiation treatment on Monday, it is too early to see if it is working or not. Like I mentioned before, that will be in April sometime. The normal news, I am having some lung issues, coughing, short of breath, and some pain with deep breaths, but that was to be expected. It should pass with time. It is from the inflammation of the lung tissue that was radiated. I take some ibuprofen, and it helps quite a bit.
Oh, I almost forgot. We stopped in Scipio on the way down and they had this cute little zebra walking it around the parking lot. By the way, they have a petting zoo at the Flying J in Scipio, and the most amazing hand dryers, they are jet powered. So a picture was needed of the zebra. And now you can enjoy it too.
I think that's about it. So Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love, Andy.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Last Treatment Hoo Ray!!!!!
Today was my last radiation treatment, I was even given a certificate of achievement. I think I will have it framed. I had all the SBRT crew sign it. It was a great day. I even fell asleep during the radiation. There was some concern from the Dr. She was telling jokes like she normally does and I didn't even laugh once. Usually I laugh and the techs get mad at her because I am not supposed to move. At the end, she said she thought I was mad at her, because I was ignoring here, nope I was just asleep. One nurse was watching me while I was asleep, and said at times it looked like I stopped breathing, (I am a shallow breather). Anyway, it was a good feeling to be done. Now I just have to look forward to my next trip to Vegas to finish my study there, no treatment this time so woo hoo. I will have some results in april-ish to find out if this worked. So everybody pray hard, and send what good Karma you can spare my way. By the way we have found one of the drugs they were giving me to battle side effects from the radiation, was giving me complications. Now that we have fixed that, I feel a whole lot better.
Merry Christmas and Have a great day.
Love Andy
Merry Christmas and Have a great day.
Love Andy
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Side Effects
This treatment has been a little different as far as side effects go. I haven't had ballooning weight, close calls with death or even massive stomach pains. This one has been more subtle and at times a lot more frustrating. After my last treatment (Tuesday) we (the doctors and I) decided that the steroid they were giving me to ward off swelling and inflammation was causing my side effects. Keep in mind this was after I had already taken it. So Tuesday the side effects started, no sleep for me. I tried but you can only lay in bed for so long, finally at 7am I was able to drift off. Red Flushing of my neck and face ensued shortly after waking up and then the heartburn. So I get to take Benedryll, and be groggy all day, but the redness goes away and if I eat little bits often, I can keep the heartburn at bay. So Today I get ready to start this over again, hopefully with less or no side effects, we are going steroid free today and see how I turn out. In a few hours I will be back on the table being radiated, and still to my disappointment, no glowing in the dark. But that would make it hard for Peggy to sleep so I guess that is a good thing. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, We love and appreciate you all. Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Oh, as a side note, we put a slide show up of our family pictures, I hope everyone can see them. If there is a problem with anybody viewing them let me know.
Love Andy.
Oh, as a side note, we put a slide show up of our family pictures, I hope everyone can see them. If there is a problem with anybody viewing them let me know.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A photo tour of my treatment
Here are some photos of me getting ready for and during treatment. It's me shirtless and in shorts but covered. So for you weak stomached you have been warned. I put them in as links so small children and animals wouldn't be scarred for life. The links will take you away from the blog, but if you hold down CTRL when you click it will open a new window and it won't take you away. (you may want a quick escape back.)
The first pic is of me after they have put me in the body cast and have vacuum packed my legs and hands in place. Going into the CT scanner. They do this every time I have treatment to make sure that I am in the same position every time. Some markers are in the back of the cast so they can compare my body alignment each time. So it will be perfect, like me ;)
Next, are of my vacuum packed person, and the writing on my chest so they can line up the lasers to shoot the radiation in me, but that is another picture. They were nice and covered me up while taking these pictures, didn't want to show too much skin, even though I am really sexy (in my best Austin Powers Irish guy (and yes I know his name) voice)... ok I'll stop there.
The next two are the Cyber knife, laser surgery, radiation machine thingy. It is called a brainscan, by varian. It is a really cool machine, I bet its expensive though, it looks expensive. I get a really good look at it while having treatment, it's only about six inches from my face at times. I know the machine says Novalis on it too, but inside, where I can see it says Varian.
And we can't forget the radiation crew, they take good care of me while I am stuck in one place. The last pic is the vacuum machine, it has an alarm that if it stays on too long without giving me a break (at least that's what I think its for) it will go off. The first time I was getting treated it went off at the start of the second scan. I had to wait through the whole scan for it to be safe for the team to come back in and reset it. It was really annoying. But I guess alarms are supposed to be annoying.
The first pic is of me after they have put me in the body cast and have vacuum packed my legs and hands in place. Going into the CT scanner. They do this every time I have treatment to make sure that I am in the same position every time. Some markers are in the back of the cast so they can compare my body alignment each time. So it will be perfect, like me ;)
Next, are of my vacuum packed person, and the writing on my chest so they can line up the lasers to shoot the radiation in me, but that is another picture. They were nice and covered me up while taking these pictures, didn't want to show too much skin, even though I am really sexy (in my best Austin Powers Irish guy (and yes I know his name) voice)... ok I'll stop there.
The next two are the Cyber knife, laser surgery, radiation machine thingy. It is called a brainscan, by varian. It is a really cool machine, I bet its expensive though, it looks expensive. I get a really good look at it while having treatment, it's only about six inches from my face at times. I know the machine says Novalis on it too, but inside, where I can see it says Varian.
And we can't forget the radiation crew, they take good care of me while I am stuck in one place. The last pic is the vacuum machine, it has an alarm that if it stays on too long without giving me a break (at least that's what I think its for) it will go off. The first time I was getting treated it went off at the start of the second scan. I had to wait through the whole scan for it to be safe for the team to come back in and reset it. It was really annoying. But I guess alarms are supposed to be annoying.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Owen Marecic the perfect football player
I know this is a weird post, especially for me, those of you who know me, know my wife watches more sports than I do. I usually only watch when I know someone playing, or am really bored. But enough of that. While waiting for my radiation treatment I picked up a magazine and read about this young man who plays for Stanford. What caught my attention is that the article was more about how he lived his life on the field much the same as he did off the field. Always gave 100%, worked hard at supporting those around him by doing his part. Words can't describe what I have learned from reading this short article but it ended with this quote from Owen, "TODAY GIVE ALL THAT YOU HAVE, FOR WHAT YOU KEEP INSIDE YOU LOSE FOREVER." You can Read more:
If you have a little time its worth the read.
An update on me, I am doing well, working hard and trying to stay positive. Good friends, loving Family, and supporting Co-workers, make life worth fighting for.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
If you have a little time its worth the read.
An update on me, I am doing well, working hard and trying to stay positive. Good friends, loving Family, and supporting Co-workers, make life worth fighting for.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
3 hrs later, one treatment down
I went and had my first round of radiation yesterday. While getting the radiation wasn't felt at all, the prep to get radiation really sucks. Not painful, just uncomfortable. As I have said in the past, I get shrink wrapped into a body form we made a couple of weeks ago, then I get vacuum packed from the belly button down, including my arms (well my wrists and hands.) Then comes the really fun part. Because I am so "strong" (that's how the physicist put it) I don't fit on the table very well (broad shoulders and such). So they have to move the table around to make a complete circle with the machine. Each time they send radiation everyone but me leaves the room. Then they come back in move me around and finish the circle. So time wise its like getting six doses, which put me in that body cast vacuum packed like a little smokie for three, count'em 1,2,3 hours. By the time we finished, I couldn't lift my arms because of my shoulders hurting, and my knees were killing me. But after they released me and let me move my arms for a minute, I was all better, the knees took a little walking around to quit hurting.
Every one was nice, and said "most people would have complained about laying there so long." I was complaining, believe me I was grumbling like crazy, just in my head.
Ok, warning alert for Alan, Skip this paragraph, you don't want to know.
That said I have to tell you a funny thing that happened when I was getting prep'ed. I think I told you that you have to be in your bare nuthins when they put you in the form. So I bought some compression shorts, they are like bicycling shorts. I was joking about how they have the unfortunate job of looking at people in revealing attire. The one nurse said "it's not always bad. You pull of the biker shorts look nicely." The other nurse, told me to take the complement and run, because she doesn't give them out very often.
I think I will try to get pictures of the whole thing next time, maybe not the bike shorts but the body form and such.
Ok Alan, you can read now.
Needless to say, they make a crappy situation fun.
Now for today. I never thought just laying down could make a person so sore. I have been stretching and doing some easy yoga this morning so I can get moving. My shoulders have rebelled against me overnight, everything is just tight. So as the day goes on I hope things start moving better. enough of that I need to get to work.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
I went and had my first round of radiation yesterday. While getting the radiation wasn't felt at all, the prep to get radiation really sucks. Not painful, just uncomfortable. As I have said in the past, I get shrink wrapped into a body form we made a couple of weeks ago, then I get vacuum packed from the belly button down, including my arms (well my wrists and hands.) Then comes the really fun part. Because I am so "strong" (that's how the physicist put it) I don't fit on the table very well (broad shoulders and such). So they have to move the table around to make a complete circle with the machine. Each time they send radiation everyone but me leaves the room. Then they come back in move me around and finish the circle. So time wise its like getting six doses, which put me in that body cast vacuum packed like a little smokie for three, count'em 1,2,3 hours. By the time we finished, I couldn't lift my arms because of my shoulders hurting, and my knees were killing me. But after they released me and let me move my arms for a minute, I was all better, the knees took a little walking around to quit hurting.
Every one was nice, and said "most people would have complained about laying there so long." I was complaining, believe me I was grumbling like crazy, just in my head.
Ok, warning alert for Alan, Skip this paragraph, you don't want to know.
That said I have to tell you a funny thing that happened when I was getting prep'ed. I think I told you that you have to be in your bare nuthins when they put you in the form. So I bought some compression shorts, they are like bicycling shorts. I was joking about how they have the unfortunate job of looking at people in revealing attire. The one nurse said "it's not always bad. You pull of the biker shorts look nicely." The other nurse, told me to take the complement and run, because she doesn't give them out very often.
I think I will try to get pictures of the whole thing next time, maybe not the bike shorts but the body form and such.
Ok Alan, you can read now.
Needless to say, they make a crappy situation fun.
Now for today. I never thought just laying down could make a person so sore. I have been stretching and doing some easy yoga this morning so I can get moving. My shoulders have rebelled against me overnight, everything is just tight. So as the day goes on I hope things start moving better. enough of that I need to get to work.
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day.
Love Andy.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I didn't have a catchy title today, sorry. If you will look to the right, you will see a new addition to the blog. A thermometer. Many thanks to Scott for helping me get this put together. I tried for an hour the other night to get something like this, and it took him a whole five minutes. He is a genius.
I have had many people ask if I had a gauge to let everyone know where we were in the fund raising, so there it is.
Ok, now for an update. For the last couple of days I have been really tired, not sure why, it couldn't be stress or anything like that, so it must be global warming. (those of you in Utah should be laughing right about now.) A heartfelt thanks for those who have, and continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and a big thanks to those who have donated as well. I do my best to keep a good attitude and Peggy is always there to smack me when I let it slip. (just kidding) She is my strength and my support. She helps me, and has patience with me when I have my personal pity parties, for those parties she is a party pooper. That's why I love her sooooo much!
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love Andy
I have had many people ask if I had a gauge to let everyone know where we were in the fund raising, so there it is.
Ok, now for an update. For the last couple of days I have been really tired, not sure why, it couldn't be stress or anything like that, so it must be global warming. (those of you in Utah should be laughing right about now.) A heartfelt thanks for those who have, and continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and a big thanks to those who have donated as well. I do my best to keep a good attitude and Peggy is always there to smack me when I let it slip. (just kidding) She is my strength and my support. She helps me, and has patience with me when I have my personal pity parties, for those parties she is a party pooper. That's why I love her sooooo much!
Merry Christmas and have a lovely day,
Love Andy
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